You must turn on the browser location services to get the route from your current location to the sign, and the distance (as the crow flies) from your current location to the sign.
After activating location services, refresh the page.
On the sign:
לזכר בת שבע אונטרמן לילי (דבורה) גורן ז’אן הלוי
שנרצחו במקום זה בפיגוע חבלני בכ"ט סיון תשס"ח (2.7.08)
On July 2, 2008, an Israeli Arab from East Jerusalem drove a bulldozer with the intention of harming people. He hit many vehicles, and at the end of the drive on Jaffa Street, he killed 3 people and injured 36. The sign commemorates the victims.