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Signs series: Tel Aviv - in our streets (In full exclusion)

About the series


In our streets (in full exclusion) - is an initiative of the Tel Aviv municipality, which tells the stories of the women behind the names of the streets in the city.
The project was held during the gender equality week in Tel Aviv, which was held in March. The project began with placing signs in 2022 (16 signs) and continued in 2023 (16 more signs), in 2024 no sign was placed.

In many cases, the street is named on the day the sign was placed, for example the sign telling the story of Nadia Hilou , accompanied by a ceremony to name a street after her

The signs feature women from many diverse fields:
Warriors - Bracha Fuld , Zivia Lubetkin , Hannah Szenes , Rivka Guber
Writers and poets - Dahlia Ravikovitch , Nelly Sachs , Yokheved Bat Miryam , Dvora Omer , Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky
Women who acted and contributed to the State of Israel - Henrietta Szold , Bat Sheva de Rothschild , Rivka Ziv , Hannah Semer , Lena Küchler-Silberman
Women in history - Miriam HaHashmonait
Actresses, singers, dancers, etc. – Elisabeth Bergner , Gertrude Kraus , Pnina Salzman , Zaharira Charifai , Bracha Zefira , Ahuva Ozeri , Gurit Kadman
Artists – Chana Orloff , Siona Tagger , Batia Lishansky
Female politicians and social activists - Haika Grossman , Nadia Hilou , Vicki Shiran , Shoshana Persitz , Biluya Maoz

About the signs

The signs are made of metal, placed on the ground, in their upper part there is an illustration of the woman on the sign (every year, the artist who draws the characters changes), and below details about the personality.
At the bottom of the sign is a fixed text, which repeats in all the signs about the project. And also the QR code leading to the project page on the Internet

Initially (year 2022) it seems that the signs are temporary and will be removed after the Women’s Week celebrations in Tel Aviv. Today, two years later, the signs are still up, so it looks like they’re here to stay

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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