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Sign: Barcelona - A sign with an anecdote on Espolsa-sacs Street

Carrer d’Espolsa-sacs, 4, 08002 Barcelona, Spain

On the sign:
En el segle XV on hi ha aquest carrer, donaven les finestres del convent que al carrer de Mont-sió tenien els monjos agustins, coneguts per frares del sac. Vestien hàbits de sargil sense forma, talment un sac, els quals no podien rentar ni apedeçar mentre els quedés un tros. Solament els podien espolsar, cosa que feien des d’aquestes finestres.
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The sign is an initiative of the street merchants and neighbors organization

This sign is similar to another sign on a nearby street Click for sign's details

A wider angle image was taken by the same photographer that day Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Espolsa-sacs Street
In the 15th century on this street the windows were made by the Augustinian monks, known as the sack monks. They wore bagless clothes, which they couldn’t wash or repair, just shake them - which they did from these windows.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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