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Sign: Paris - 100 Years of Metro History - 1900 - Guimard entrance

Cadet, 75009 Paris, France

On the sign:
100 ans de métro (1900-2000)
RATP logo
histoire(s) de métro
Accès Guimard
Architecte phare de l’Art nouveau, Hector Guimard a été choisi en 1899 pour dessiner les accès des stations.
Mais en 1900, lors de l’ouverture du métro, ses audaces décoratives choquent les Paristens. La graphie « Métropolitain » manque, dit-on, de lisibilité, et les mâts tulipes qui servent à signaler les accès de nuit sont des yeux de monstres.
Dès 1902, on commande donc les accès de stations à des architectes moins contestés. En 1913, on cesse d’installer des bouches de métro Guimard et, lors des travaux de rénovation des stations dans les années 1960, plusieurs d’entre elles sont détruites et remplacées par des entourages modernes.
Mais aujourd’hui, de nouveaux moules ont été réalisés afin de restaurer les accès Gulmard classés Monuments historiques.
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One of the signs describing the Paris metro history and which was set to commemorate 100 years of the Metro.

The current sign depicts the opening to the classic train station designed by Hector Guimard

RATP - Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens - Autonomous Parisian Transportation Administration

The example of the classic entrance can be found on the site Click for sign's details

In the next photograph taken in 2023 by Eli Zvuluny. At the entrance of the Saint-Michel Notre-Dame metro station, you can clearly see lamps in the shape of tulip heads, which, according to the sign, at night resemble the eyes of a monster
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
100 years of the metro (1900-2000)
metro history

Guimard access
The lead architect of Art Nouveau, Hector Guimard was chosen in 1899 to design the accesses to the stations.
But in 1900, when the metro opened, its decorative audacity shocked the Parisians. The “Metropolitan” spelling is said to lack readability, and the tulip masts which serve to indicate access at night are monster eyes.
As early as 1902, station access was ordered from less contested architects. In 1913, the installation of Guimard metro outlets was stopped, and during the renovation of stations in the 1960s, several of them were destroyed and replaced by modern surroundings.
But today, new molds have been made to restore the Gulmard accesses classified as Historic Monuments.

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