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Sign: Netanya - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Haganah organization in Netanya - The Guards station

Smilanski St 5, Netanya, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל

ארגון ה"הגנה" בנתניה
תחנת הנוטרים

בחורשת אורנים, שהיתה כאן בעבר, עמדו 2 צריפים אשר שימשו כתחנת נוטרים ובהם רוכזה פעילות ה"הגנה" בנתניה בשנים 1936-1941.
הנוטרים עצמם היו חברי ה"הגנה", גיוסם לנוטרות היה כיסוי ומסווה לפעילותה הבלתי-ליגלית במסגרת הארגון, שתפקד כזרוע הצבאית של המדינה בדרך.
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The sign shape is square but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The building was photographed on the day the sign was taken Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Israeli Heritage Sites

The Haganah organization in Netanya
HaNotrim (the Guards) Station

In the pine grove, which was here in the past, stood two barracks that served as a notary station, where the Haganah activity in Netanya being done in 1936-1941.
The notaries themselves were members of the Haganah, their recruitment to the notaries was a cover and disguise for its illegal activities within the organization, which functioned as the country’s military arm along the way.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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