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Sign: London - The Horses of Helios

34 Haymarket, St. James’s, London W1D 7AD, UK

On the sign:
Le 17 novembre 1994 cette Fontaine a été baptisé e Fontaine de Bienfaisance par Son Altesse Royale la princesse Michael de Kent Cette anneés fonds recueillis seront versés à
Disabled Living Foundation

1994 年11目17日に
チャリティー の 泉 として
奉献 さ れ まし た 。
今年 、 この 収益 金 を
寄付 する 慈善 団体 は
Disabled Living Foundation

This Fountain was dedicated a Charity Fountain on November 17th 1994 by H.R.H. Princess Michael of Kent This year , the Charity receiving all proceeds is
Disabled Living Foundation

Il 17 novembre 1994 questa Fontana è stata destinata ad Uso Caritatevole da Sua Altezza Reale la Principessa Michael di Kent La Fondazione che quest’anno riceverà tutti i ricavi sarà
Disabled Living Foundation

Dieser Brunnen wurde am 17. November 1994 von Ihrer Königlichen Hoheit , Prinzessin Michael von Kent , als Wohltätigkeitsbrunnen eingeweiht . Folgende Wohltätigkeitsorganisation erhält dieses Jahr sämtlichen den Erlös
Disabled Living Foundation
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The statue that stands at the center of the fountain is called Helios’ horses and it depicts the 4 horses of Helios - the Greek god of the sun: Aethon, Eous, Phlegon, and Pyrois

The sculpture was made by Rudy Weller in 1992

The sign declares that the revenue from the fountain is dedicated to the Disabled Living Foundation in French, Japanese, English, Italian and German

The fountain and statue were taken that day Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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