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Sign: Tel Mond - Heritage Sites in Israel - Beit HaLord

Ha-Dekel St 44, Tel Mond, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל המועצה המקומית תל מונד
סמל משרד התרבות והספורט
סמל בית הלורד - מרכז תעוד גוש תל מונד

בית הלורד
אחד משבעת הבתים הראשונים ביישוב.

הבית נבנה בשנת 1931 בעבור סר אלפרד מונד, הוא הלורד מלצ’ט הראשון, ובעבור משפחתו וחברת מטעי ארץ ישראל.
לאחר פירוק החברה, בשנת 1956, שימש המקום כבית המועצה האזורית.
בשנת 1988 הועבר הבית לרשות האגודה להיסטוריה של גוש תל מונד, וכיום הוא משמש מוזיאון, ארכיון היסטורי ומרכז חינוכי פעיל.
חצר הבית היא חצר ראשונים, והיא מוקדשת בכבוד והדר למייסדים.
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The sign shape is rectangular but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

Beit HaLord was photographed that day Click for a larger image

In the following picture, the front of the house is enlarged, and you can see a marble sign that reads:
House of
Alfred Mond
(Lord Melchett)

As well as signs indicating that the house is currently used as a Tel Mond documentation center
Click for a larger image

At the entrance to the house is a sign that is the same shape as the current sign, and indicates that the house belongs to the "Landmarks" program:
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
Symbol of the Ministry of Culture and Sports
"Landmarks" Program Icon
Symbol of the Prime Minister’s Office Heritage Plan

The site was upgraded with the help of a "heritage program" in the Prime Minister’s Office
In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sports and through the "Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel"
Click for a larger image

And another sign hanging on a pillar indicates that the place is a documentation center:
Beit HaLord
Documentation Center
A museum
Symbol of the Lev Hasharon Regional Council
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Buildings and Settlement Sites
Symbol of the Tel Mond Local Council
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Israeli Heritage Sites
The emblem of Tel Mond Local Council
The emblem of the Ministry of Culture and Sport
Symbol of Beit HaLord - Tel Mond Bloc Documentation Center

Beit HaLord (The Lord’s house)
One of the first seven houses in the settlement.

The house was built in 1931 for Sir Alfred Mond, he is the first Lord Melchett, and for his family and the Israel Orchards Company.
After the dissolution of the company, in 1956, the place served as the house of the regional council.
In 1988, the house was transferred to the Tel Mond Bloc’s History Association, and today it serves as a museum, historical archive and active educational center.
The courtyard of the house is a courtyard of the founders, and it is dedicated with respect and splendor to the founders.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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