Various signs
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Sign: Tel Aviv - Heritage Sites in Israel - Herzlilinblum - Tel Aviv Museum of Banking and Nostalgia

Herzl St 13, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל הרצלילינבלום - מוזיאון לבנקאות ונוסטלגיה תל אביבית
סמל משרד התרבות והספורט

"הרצלילינבלום" - מוזיאון לבנקאות ונוסטלגיה תל אביבית
המוזיאון קבע את משכנו באחד מראשוני הבתים של אחוזת בית, בליבה ההיסטורי של תל אביב.
הבית נבנה כבית חד קומתי בשנת 1909 ע"י אולגה ויצחק פרנק.
בשנת 1912 נרכש הבית על ידי חיים שיף. בשנת 1924 הסב שיף את הבית לבניין בן שלש קומות, על פי תכנונם של האדריכל יוסף ברלין והמהנדס ריכרד פסובסקי. במהלך השנים החליף הבניין את ייעודו ושימש כבית מלון, בבנק, כמשרד עורכי דין וכמשכנם של משרדים ובתי מלאכה שונים.
החל משנת 2006 ובמשך שלש שנים, עבר הבית תהליך שימור קפדני.
מעטפת הבית על כל מאפייניה הארכיטקטונים ומרבית חלל הפנים שוחזרו בדייקנות תוך כיבוד טכנולוגיות הבניה המקוריות: הריצוף המקורי של הבית שומר, כמו גם הפרזול, עבודות הנגרות, הרעפים וציורי הקיר.
בשנת 2009, במלאת מאה שנים לבית ולעיר תל אביב, הוסב הבניין על ידי בנק דיסקונט למוזיאון, המציג את התפתחות הכלכלה המסחר והבנקאות לצד התפתחותה של העיר תל אביב.
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The sign is rectangular but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The building was photographed that day Click for a larger image

On the front of the building are signs describing chapters in the history of the State of Israel, in particular those related to its economy, under the heading - "The Zionist Side of the Coin":
Absorption of mass immigration
Photos and cartoons from the first years of the country (from right to left): the large aliyah, the "magic carpet", flooding in the Maabarah, a cartoon of Dosh, from a news item from August 1953: on the same ship a group of new immigrants and several tigers arrive for the zoo. The headline Dosh gave to the cartoon: "He is smart! Immediately a house and every day meat!"
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[Photos: From right to left - immigrants at the entrance to their home, Tu B’Shabel in Maabarah, cartoon by Dosh]
1947 - The population of the country was 650,000
740,000 immigrants between the years 1947-1954
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Austerity policy
"You don’t have to wear a flannel pajama, you can make do with cotton," the Minister of Supply and Rationing in the Knesset said to MK Haim Landau
[Cartoon, photos - from right to left: ice queue, also housewares in ration]
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[Pictures, ads and cartoons - from right to left: in line for nylon socks, an ad for the dishwashing detergent: "Amma", a queue during the austerity period, a picture of the department for issuing food cards, and an example of the allowance book (slip book)]
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The War of Independence
[Image: War of Independence also in the home front]
Every Hebrew mother will know that she gave the fate of her sons into the hands of commanders who deserve it
David Ben Gurion
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Photo by David Ben-Gurion (Green), father of the nation and architect of the Jewish state
Quote: A People Builds an Army Builds a People - David Ben Gurion
Quote: The fate of Israel depends on two things: security and that it is right - David Ben-Gurion.
[Picture of Yedioth Ahronoth issue the day after the UN decision on the partition plan on November 29]
[Image: Declaration of Independence]
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The role of agricultural settlement
Food security in agriculture, increasing most of the agricultural produce consumed
[Photos: Right to left: in milking, in the fields, in the nursery, Planet machine with harvester]
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New Israeli currency - an expression of public trust
miracle!!! The currency exchange passed quietly and with full confidence of the public
[Picture of the Discount Bank branch It may be a branch at 27 Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv]
[Cartoon, and pictures of Israeli pound banknotes]
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Infrastructure development
[Photos: Right to left: El Al staff, queue for the bus]
A road system that assists the population dispersal policy provides employment and provides access, supply and security to distant communities
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Electricity supply in the city, in the village in the kibbutz and in the transit camps
A world power in medicine - a doctor for every 165 inhabitants. Health services for immigrants and members of the locality through Health maintenance organizations and hospitals.
[Photos: Vaccination (against Polio), Tnuva Warehouse in Jerusalem]
Main industries in 1949: Textiles - Food - Diamonds - Mechanical equipment
Mekorot provides water and sewage treatment to the settlements and development towns
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Another sign in front of the building facing Lilienblum Street, with details about the building Click for sign's details

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2025

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