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Sign: Ashdod -The blue route - Monument to the "Struma" and "Mafkura"

Mafkura/Moshe Dayan, Ashdod, Israel

On the sign:
המסלול הכחול

אנדרטת סטרומה ומפקורה
לזכר אוניות המעפילים, שהבריטים סירבו לאשר הגעתם ארצה. "סטרומה" טובעה בים השחור, בפברואר 1942 ועל סיפונה 770 מעפילים מרומניה - מהם ניצל רק אחד. "מפקורה" הפליגה מנמל קונסטנצה שברומניה באוגוסט 1944, במהלך ההפלגה נפגעה מאש של כלי שיט לא מזוהה, כנראה צוללת גרמנית, נפגעה וטבעה תוך זמן קצר. 310 מעפילים טבעו ורק חמישה ניצלו. האנדרטה מנציחה את מפעל ההעפלה לארץ ישראל ואת גבורתם של המעפילים, שרבים מהם שילמו בחייהם על רצונם להגיע לארץ.

The blue route

Monument to the "Struma" and "Mafkura"
This monument commemorates the two illegal immigrant ships that the British refused to allow to enter the country. The "Struma" was sunk in the Black Sea in February, 1942 with 770 illegal immigrants from Romania on board. Only one of the passengers survived. The "Mafkura" sailed from the Romanian port of Constanza in August, 1944. During its passage it was damaged by gunfire from an unidentified vessel - evidently a German submarine - and quickly sank. Of the 310 passengers on board, only 5 survived. The monument pays tribute to the entire illegal immigration operation to Palestine, and to the bravery of these Illegal Immigrants, many of whom paid with their lives for their desire to reach the Holy Land.
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The monument was photographed that day Click for a larger image

The following text appears on the monument:
Always remembered
The martyrs of the illegal immigrant ships who died in the depths of the Black Sea when they fled the horrors of the Nazi regime in Romania and on their way to Israel were hit by a hand of malicious murderers

767 The sacred victims of the illegal immigrant ship "Struma" that sank in 1942
305 The sacrificial victims of the illegal immigrant ship "Mafkura" that sank in 1944
May God avenge their blood

And the route of the ship "Mafkura" with the text "The route of death"

Sculpture: Baruch Wind - Ashdod
Casting: Sachsenberg - Ramat Gan
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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