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Sign: Bitan Aharon - The story of the water tower

Derech Hailanot 5, Bitan Aharon, Israel

On the sign:
סיפורו של מגדל המים
מגדל המים נבנה בין השנים 1933-1936, על מנת לספק מים למגורים ולחקלאות עבור המתיישבים הראשונים שהגיעו לכפר. בנוסף לייעודו העיקרי, שימש המגדל גם למטרות אחרות: לפני קום המדינה, נערכו קורסים של "ההגנה" ב"בית הראשונים" - "הבית הגדול".
אנשיהם התאמנו במגדל בקפיצות קרביות מהקומה הראשונה ובגלישת אומגה מגג המגדל לחצרות הסמוכות.
בתקופת מלחמת העצמאות, אומנו בני הנוער של המושב בשימוש בזרקור לאיתות מורס בלילה ובדגלונים במהלך היום, על מנת לשגר אותות אזהרה ליישובי הסביבה בשעת חירום. לצורך כך נבנה צריף קטן בראש המגדל אשר הפך לנקודת תצפית. לימים שימש המגדל כחדר ביטחון ובו אופסן הנשק אשר יועד להגנה עצמית של אנשי המושב.
בשנת 2014 שוחזר מבנה המגדל ובשנת 2016 נחנך בו מרכז התיעוד של הכפר.
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The water tower was photographed that day Click for a larger image

The inscription appears on the side of the tower facing the road:
Bitan Aharon
Founded in 1933
Click for a larger image

As indicated on the sign, the water tower serves as the documentation center of the village. This is indicated on the sign next to the current sign:
Documentation Center
Moshav Bitan Aharon
Founded in 1933

[Image: Water Tower]
In the beginning there was a tower ...

"There used to be one hill full of flowers, dewy waters
There was one hut, a single wooden hut in the spaces.
Now, when time speaks of memories and longing
They are shaking in the mist with a moving wind in the grass. "
(Nathan Jonathan)

"Continue to wander in paths, far from the grace of your youth,
But close to them to enjoy the first years to your hill to the beautiful, Blessed are you, man, if after you such a hill remains full of flowers and memories "
(Nathan Jonathan)

[Image: Working in the orchard]
In the beginning there was also an orchard ...
Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

The story of the water tower
The water tower was built between the years 1933-1936, in order to provide water for residence and agriculture for the first settlers who came to the village. In addition to its main purpose, the tower was also used for other purposes: before the establishment of the state, "HaHagana" courses were held at the "First House" - the "Great House".
Their men practiced in the tower in combat jumps from the first floor and in omega gliding from the roof of the tower to the nearby courtyards.
During the War of Independence, the youth of the moshav were trained to use a searchlight for Morse at night and pennants during the day, in order to send warning signals to the surrounding communities in an emergency. For this purpose a small hut was built at the top of the tower which became an observation point. The tower was later used as a security room with a weapons depot, which was intended for self-defense by the people of the moshav.
In 2014 the building of the tower was restored and in 2016 the documentation center of the village was inaugurated.

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