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Sign: Dublin - Three Fates Fountain

78 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Co. Dublin City, Ireland

On the sign:
In Dunkbarkeit für die Hilfe , die as irische Volk deutschen Kindern nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gewährte

Le buíochas as an gcabhair a thug muintir na hÉireann do pháistí Gearmánacha tar éis an Dara Cogadh Domhanda

With gratitude for the help given to German children by the Irish people after World War II

Roman Herzog

Präsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Uachtarán Phoblacht Chonaidhme na Gearmáine
President of the Federal Republic of Germany

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The fountain was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The fountain is the German government’s donation to Ireland for the latter’s help in Operation Shamrock, an operation organized by the Irish Red Cross in which children (mostly Germans) refugees from World War II were transferred to Ireland, where they stayed for 3 years.

At the base of the fountain is a statue made by the sculptor Joseph Wackerle, symbolizing the three Fates that hold the "thread of life" that connects the gods and humans.
The statue was erected in 1954, but the sign itself was placed in 1997 by German President Roman Herzog.

The text on the sign appears in 3 languages: German, Irish and English

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