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Sign: Lisbon - Rua Augusta Arch

R. Augusta 2, 1100-000 Lisboa, Portugal

On the sign:

Arco da Rua Augusta
O Arco da Rua Augusta foi desenhado pelo arquitecto Santos de Carvalho para comemorar a reconstrucao da cidade depois do terramoto de 1755, mas apenas for dado por concluido em 1873, com um projecto de Veríssimo José da Costa É decorado com estátuas de figuras históricas, onde têm destaque Viriato, Vasco da Gama, Nuno Álvares Pereira e Marquês de Pombal, ladeadas por representações alegóricas dos rios Douro e Tejo.

[Drawing of the Rua Augusta Arch]

The Arco da Rua Augusta was designed by architect Santos de Carvalho to celebrate the reconstruction of the city as a consequence of the 1755 earthquake, but it was considered finished only in 1873, with a plan by Veríssimo José da Costa. It is decorated with statues representing historical figures, where Viriato, Vasco da Gama, Nuno Álvares Pereira and Marquês de Pombal have prominent place, a escorted by allegorical representations of the rivers Douro and Tagus.

Turismo de Lisboa
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The Arch was photographed that day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The other side of the gate was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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