The monument made by Nechama Ofek and placed in 1991 was photographed that day
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Click for a larger image The monument depicts a ship sinking in the sea, and people and objects drowning in the sea waves.
The name of the statue and the date are engraved on the back of the statue
Nechama Ofek
[the third line is unclear]
Click for a larger image Another sign commemorating the operation is located near the place where the troops left
Click for sign's details Translation of the text on the sign:
Tombstone for the 23 people who got off the boat
The members of the Hagana are the pioneers of the Hebrew Navy fighting from the beginnings of the Palmach who went out on the mission of the people to strike the Nazi enemy on the coast of Tripoli in Lebanon
Achital Shimon / Barzilai Izan Aryeh / Gordon Yaakov / Galbard Aryeh / Heker Yitzchak / Weiman Ephraim / Haim Weissman / Shmuel Hanovitz
Tams Ariel / Jacobson Baruch / Yaffe Katriel / Cohen Mordechai / Gordin Israel / Nouriel Avraham / Nafcha David / Spector Zvi
Paglin Nouriel / Plonzinik Mordechai / Tsarand Yehuda / Koffler Gershon / Corkin Menachem / Rotman Zeev / Shohat Amiram / Major Sir Antony Palmer
On May 18, 1941, they sailed on their last journey from which they never returned.
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