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Sign: Beer Sheva - "Bianca Schwartz" - an outdoor sculpture by Zvika Kantor

Hanegev Museum/Ha’atsmaut, Be’er Sheva, Israel

On the sign:
צביקה קנטור
ביאנקה שוורץ 2018
פיברגלס על פלדה, הנעה חשמלית ופנאומטית
באדיבות האמן

تسفیکا کنتور
بیانکا شفارتس 2018
الياف زجاجية على فولاد، دفع کهرباني وهواني
بلطف من الشبان

Zvika Kantor
Bianca Schwartz 2018
Fiberglas on steel, electric and pneumatic propulsion
Courtesy of the artist
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The statue in the courtyard of the Negev Museum near the governor’s house was photographed that day Click for a larger image

Bianca Schwartz was the grandmother of the sculptor Zvika Kantor

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