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Sign: Berkeley - Berkeley Poetry Walk - "Pre-teen Trot" a song by Helen Adam

2026 Addison St, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
Click here for a map that contains other items in the area

On the sign:

We trot hand-in-hand in the morning
Down where the huge ocean hums.
Both of us wear striped bikines
To cover our neat little bums.

Blythly we trot in the morning
As far as the Boardwalk exteris,
Wearing the same striped bikines
Because we are intimate friends.

But my stripes are brighter than your stripes,
This every watcher must know,
Broader and brighter than your stripes,
When we trot where the sea breezes blow..

-Helen Adam
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Berklee’s poetry Walk was laid in October 2003 along Edison Street between Shattuck and Milvia Streets. The route includes 128 metal plates with excerpts from songs, each of which is related in one way or another to the city of Berkeley.

The plaque features a poem by the Scottish poet Helen Adam (1909-1993) who was part of the beat generation that operated in San Francisco and was characterized by writing in an associative and free form

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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