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Sign: Paris - History of Paris - Bastille

5 Pl. de la Bastille, 75004 Paris, France

On the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

Histoire de Paris

La bastille
Le 22 avril 1370, le prévôt Hugues Aubriot pose la première pierre d’un château fort destiné à protéger Paris vers l’est. Aux quatre tours de Charles V, s’ajoutent celles de Charles VI, puis un bastion orienté vers le faubourg sous Henri II. Dans ces tours étaient aménagées les cellules des prisonniers d’Etat qui valurent à la Bastille de devenir le symbole du despotisme monarchique: le 14 juillet 1789, les sept pensionnaires sont portés en triomphe.

[Illustration of the Bastille]

La rue Saint-Antoine était barrée par la forteresse et l’entrée dans la ville se faisait par la porte Saint- Antoine située au nord, rue de la Bastille. Reconstruite par Blondel en 1671, dans le, style d’un arc de triomphe, cette porte fut démolie en 1778.
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One of the series of signs describing historical places in Paris. The signs were placed starting in 1992 and are also called sucettes Starck (Starck’s Lollipops) after Philippe Starck who designed them.

Bastille Square as it is seen from the place where the sign is placed and the July column (to commemorate the July Revolution of 1830) was taken on the same day Click for a larger image

Another photo was taken in 2024 by Yael Gairola Click for a larger image

The illustration in the center of the sign is shown here at magnification Click for a larger image

Above the sign appears "Poster London" Click for sign's details In which is the summary of de Gaulle’s speech to the French nation Click for a larger image

The remains of one of the towers of the Bastille, which were discovered where it stood, were moved to a nearby garden Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:

[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

History of Paris

The Bastille
On April 22, 1370, the provost Hugues Aubriot laid the first stone of a fortified castle intended to protect Paris towards the east. To the four towers of Charles V, are added those of Charles VI, then a bastion facing the suburb under Henry II. In these towers were arranged the cells of the prisoners of State which were worth to the Bastille to become the symbol of monarchical despotism: on July 14, 1789, the seven boarders are carried in triumph.

The rue Saint-Antoine was blocked by the fortress and the entrance to the city was through the Porte Saint-Antoine located to the north, rue de la Bastille. Rebuilt by Blondel in 1671, in the style of a triumphal arch, this gate was demolished in 1778.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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