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Sign: Paris - History of Paris - Lutheran Redemption Church

18 Rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris, France

On the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

Histoire de Paris

Eglise de la Rédemption
Entre 1821 et 1825, l’architecte Lusson édifia, pour les bureaux de l’octroi, dans un style néo-classique proche de Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, une halle de déchargement destinée à l’emmagasinage et à la vérification des marchandises soumises aux droits. La voûte cintrée de la façade évoque encore cette halle, concédée en 1841 à l’église luthérienne, qui y établit son deuxième lieu de culte à Paris. L’architecte Gau aménagea le portique à colonnes et le fronton qui épouse la forme de la voûte. Seules quatre des onze travées d’origing furent conservées, et un choeur arrondi ma la partie est du bâtiment.

[Illustration of the Church]

La duchesse d’Orléans, belle-fille du roi Louis-Philippe, fut mécène et fidèle de cette église. Le crucifix en ébène et ivoire qui figure sur l’autel fut offert par le baron Haussmann. Ses obsèques y furent célébrées en 1891 Restauration en 1988-1989.
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One of the series of signs describing historical places in Paris. The signs were placed starting in 1992 and are also called sucettes Starck (Starck’s Lollipops) after Philippe Starck who designed them.

The sign depicts the Protestant Redemption Church, a church built between 1821-1825, which underwent expansions and changes in 1843.
In this church, the painter Paul Gauguin married Mette-Sophie Gad in 1873

The church was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

The illustration in the center of the sign is shown here at magnification Click for a larger image

The place is defined as a historical heritage site of France, as you can see in the following sign that was taken that day

Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

History of Paris

Church of the Redemption
Between 1821 and 1825, the architect Lusson built, for the tax offices, in a neo-classical style close to Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, an unloading hall intended for the storage and verification of goods subject to duties. . The arched vault of the facade still evokes this hall, granted in 1841 to the Lutheran church, which established its second place of worship in Paris there. The architect Gau designed the portico with columns and the pediment which follows the shape of the vault. Only four of the eleven original bays were preserved, and a rounded chancel in the eastern part of the building.

[Illustration of the Church]

The Duchess of Orléans, daughter-in-law of King Louis-Philippe, was a patron and devotee of this church. The ebony and ivory crucifix which appears on the altar was offered by Baron Haussmann. His funeral was celebrated there in 1891. Restoration in 1988-1989.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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