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Sign: Paris - 100 Years of Metro History - Hector Guimard and Art Nouveau

87 Rue Réaumur, 75002 Paris, France

On the sign:
le metro en Personne
RATP logo
histoire(s) de métro

Hector Guimard et l’Art nouveau

L’architecte Hector Guimard est à l’origine du style Art nouveau. Aussi dénommé Modern style, l’Art nouveau exprime le rejet du modèle classique. Les formes fluides renouent avec la nature dans des cités de plus en plus marquées par l’industrialisation.

Guimard se veut à la fois architecte et décorateur. Le Castel Béranger, au 14 rue La Fontaine à Paris, est un manifeste de son art. Mais les Parisiens, railleurs, l’appellent le Castel dérangé, et prétendent avec Salvador Dali que l’Art nouveau est un art comestible, d’où son nom de style nouille.

Hector Guimard ne connaîtra pas, de son vivant, les honneurs qu’il méritait. Le métro, qui a fait appel à d’autres pour poursuivre la construction des stations, lui devait réparation... et restauration.
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One of the signs describing the Paris metro history and which was set to commemorate 100 years of the Metro.

The plaque is dedicated to Hector Guimard and the Art Nouveau movement he represented and in which he designed the Paris metro stations

RATP - Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens - Autonomous Parisian Transportation Administration

An example of the "fluid" style used by Guimar, and shown on the sign can be seen at the entrance to the Sentier station where the current sign is located Click for a larger image

Next to this sign, there is another sign that already appears on the website Click for sign's details, as you can see in the following picture Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
the metro in person
metro history

Hector Guimard and Art Nouveau

The architect Hector Guimard is at the origin of the Art Nouveau style. Also called Modern style, Art Nouveau expresses the rejection of the classic model. Fluid forms reconnect with nature in cities increasingly marked by industrialization.

Guimard wants to be both an architect and a decorator. The Castel Béranger, at 14 rue La Fontaine in Paris, is a manifesto of his art. But the Parisians, mocking, call it the disturbed Castel, and claim with Salvador Dali that Art Nouveau is an edible art, hence its name noodle style.

Hector Guimard will not experience, during his lifetime, the honors he deserved. The metro, which called on others to continue the construction of the stations, owed him repairs... and restoration.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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