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Sign: Paris - History of Paris - Huchette Street

13 Rue de la Huchette, 75005 Paris, France

On the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

Histoire de Paris

Rúe de la Huchette
Son appellation vient d’une enseigne attestée à la fin du XIIIe siècle: la Huchette d’or. Célèbre dès la fin du Moyen Age pour ses auberges, et au XVIIe siècle pour ses rôtisseurs et ses cabarets, elle était aussi malfamée, et ses coupeurs de bourses renommés. Les maisons anciennes y sont nombreuses. Au N°14, à l’angle de la rue du Chat qui pêche, un médaillon plaqué sur la façade est orné d’un Y, rébus pour «lie-grègues», lacets de fixation entre culottes et hauts-de-chausse.

[Illustration of a fight in the street]

La rue a retrouvé son activité bourdonnante du Moyen Age avec l’implantation de nombreux restaurants méditerranéens ou exotiques.
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One of the series of signs describing historical places in Paris. The signs were placed starting in 1992 and are also called sucettes Starck (Starck’s Lollipops) after Philippe Starck who designed them.

The sign describes one of the oldest streets on the left bank of the Seine. The name of the street refers to the house that was there, while the word Huchette probably refers to the bugle, a metal wind instrument from which the trumpet evolved

The street was photographed that day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The illustration in the center of the sign is shown here at magnification Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[An illustration of a ship, symbolizing the symbol of Paris]

History of Paris

Huchette Street
Its name comes from a sign attested at the end of the 13th century: the Huchette d’or. Famous since the end of the Middle Ages for its inns, and in the 17th century for its roasters and its cabarets, it was also ill-famed, and its purse cutters renowned. There are many old houses there. At No. 14, on the corner of Rue du Chat qui Peche, a medallion plastered on the facade is decorated with a Y, a rebus for “lie-gregues”, laces for fastening between breeches and breeches.

[Illustration of a fight in the street]

The street has regained its bustling activity from the Middle Ages with the establishment of numerous Mediterranean and exotic restaurants.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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