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Sign: Paris - 100 Years of Metro History - 1910 - North-South tiling

3 Pl. du Havre, 75008 Paris, France

On the sign:
100 ans de métro (1900-2000)
RATP logo
histoire(s) de métro

Vers 1910

Carrelage Nord-Sud

Construit à partir de 1905, le réseau Nord-Sud diffère des autres lignes de métro aussi bien par les techniques employées que par les choix décoratifs. Certaines stations des lignes 12 et 13, qui appartenaient, entre 1910 et 1930 au réseau Nord-Sud, gardent les traces de ce design particulier.

Si les carreaux blancs biseautés sont identiques à ceux des autres stations, des frises décoratives font leur apparition. les reconnaît à leur motif de vagues qui sépare le carrelage des voûtes peintes, aussi bien dans les couloirs que sur les quais.

Le parti général peut-être bleu, vert ou marron. Les encadrements publicitaires sont généralement surmontés du monogramme NS pour Nord-Sud.
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One of the signs describing the Paris metro history and which was set to commemorate 100 years of the Metro.

The current sign depicts the paving stones of the lines in the metro’s north-south network.

The sign is at the Concorde station, on whose platforms it is difficult to see the row of tiles with the illustration of waves, which end the line of pavement. At the location of the sign at the crossing to the platform that appears in the next photo taken that day Click for a larger image these waves can be seen Click for a larger image
However, the sloped tiles can be clearly distinguished from those surrounding the sign

The NS monogram on the advertising sign frames can be seen in the following pictures Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

RATP - Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens - Autonomous Parisian Transportation Administration

Translation of the text on the sign:
100 years of the metro (1900-2000)
metro history

Around 1910

North-South tiling

Built from 1905, the North-South network differs from other metro lines both in the techniques used and in the decorative choices. Certain stations on lines 12 and 13, which belonged to the North-South network between 1910 and 1930, retain traces of this particular design.

If the beveled white tiles are identical to those of the other stations, decorative friezes appear. recognizes them by their wave pattern which separates the tiles from the painted vaults, both in the corridors and on the platforms.

The general party may be blue, green or brown. Advertising frames are generally topped with the NS monogram for North-South.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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