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Sign: Rome - Palazzo Incontro

Via dei Prefetti, 22, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

On the sign:
[Emblem of Province of Rome]



Storia del Palazzo

L’attuale Palazzo Incontro venne edificato su un’area di proprictà delf’Ospedale di S. Maria della Pietà dei Poveri Pazzi nella seconda metà del lSettecento sotto la supervisione dell’architetto G.P. Burij. L’edificio è il tipico esempio edilizio di caseggiato borghese plurifamiliare destinato all’affitto abitativo, nobilitato da una facciata in stile tardobarocco, del tipo diffuso a Roma dalla metà del Seicento in poi che soppianto definitivamente il vecchio palazzo monofamiliare di tipo aristocratico. Dopo lungo abbandono, l’Amministrazione Gasbarra lo ha restituito ai cittadini il 27 ottobre 2006, destinandolo ad iniziative culturali, artistiche, sociali e istituzionali di carattere nazionale ed internazionale.

会议楼 Дворец встречи בית המפגש قصر اللقاءات

History of the Palace
Palazzo Incontro was built on an area owned by the Ospedale di S. Maria della Pietà dei Poveri Pazzi in the second half of the XVIII century under the supervision of architect G.P. Burij. This building is the typical example of a multi-family middle class block of houses for rent, dignified by a late Baroque façade. It is the typical building which spread in Rome as from mid-XVII century and finally superseded the old single-family upper-class palace. After many years of neglect, the Province Administration led by President Gasbarra returned it to its citizens on October 27, 2006, with a view to devoting it to cultural, artistic, social and institutional initiatives at national and international level.
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The name of the place: "The Meeting House", appears in the center of the sign in the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Hebrew

The place was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

On the other side of the gate appears another sign on which is written in Italian and English:
Dopo anni di abbandono si nconsegna ai cittadini questo prestigioso edificio che prende il nome di

27 Octobre 2006
Presidente Enrico Gasbarra

After years of neglect we return to our citizens this prestigious building named


27 October 2006
President Enrico Gasbarra

Another plaque indicates the fact that the poet Vincenzo Monti lived in this house Click for sign's details

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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