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Sign: Stockholm - About Hornsgatan Street

Hornsgatan 40-42, 118 21 Stockholm, Sweden

On the sign:
HORNSGATAN OCH Gõtgatan var de två huvudaxlarna i det nya gatunät som lades ut över Södermalm på 1640-talet. Horn är ett naturnamn och beteeknar stadsdelens västligaste udde som skjuter ut i Årstaviken.
I den stora Mariabranden 1759 brann kyrkan och alla trähus på berget. Många av stenhusen klarade sig så bra att de helt eller delvis kunde byggas upp igen.
Hornsgatspuckeln kallar vi idag den höga delen av gatan. Det är den gamla gatusträckningen, som blev kvar när gatan sprängdes ned och breddades i början av 1900-talet.
1964 antog Fastighetsnämnden en saneringsplan som förutsatte rivning av så gott som alla hus på Hornsgatspuckeln. Bebyggelsen ansågs ointressant och i alltför dåligt skick för att det skulle gå att rusta upp den. Men det växte en opinion mot beslutet. Många menade att det var fullt möjligt att, där man bara såg smuts och förfall, åstadkomma en stadsdel där människor gärna skulle vilja bo. Så här skrev författaren Per Anders Fogelström 1965.

»Vid vandringen genom gatorna: làt fantasin leka, försök tänka hur det kunde se ut här om husen varsamt renoverades, putsades upp i ljusa färger. Om den lilla staden blev bebodd, husen levde, barnungar lekte î lustiga, bilfria kullerstensbackar, skrot och skräp försvann och träd grönskade. Sagan kunde bli verklighet.
Mariaberget ett av stadens finaste bostadsområden och samtidigt en bevarad idyll, ett levande konstverk. Kan bli - om vi vill tillräckligt, om vi förmår övertyga tillräckliğt många.«

Efter flera års utredningar, debatt och opinionsbildning, medan husen förföll och förslummades allt mer, kunde man enas om att Mariabergets bebyggelse var intressant och värd att bevara. Idag är Östra Mariaberget en unik 1700-talsmiljö och ett av Stockholms mest attraktiya bostadsområden.

Bebyggelsen på Mariaberget utgör ett s.k. RESERVATSOMRÅDE. Sådana omfattar ett antal fastigheter i ett bevarat kulturhistoriskt värdefullt område som exempel på rester av den gamla staden. Husen ägs och förvaltas av AB Stadsholmen, dotterbolag till AB Svenska Bostäder

Hornsgatan was one of the main axes in the new street system that was laid out over Sodermalm in the 1640s.
In the great fire of 1759 St Mary’s Church (Maria Kyrka) and all the wooden houses on the hill burnt down. Many ofthe stone houses survived the fire so well that they could bewholly or partly rebuilt.
The Hornsgatan Bump, where the sign stands, is the old course of the street, which remained when the street was bulldozed and widened at the start of the twentieth century.
At the start of the 1960s the houses on Östra (Eastern) Mariaberget were considered so uninteresting and dilapidated that it was decided to demolish them and replace them with new buildings. This led to a growing clamour of public opinion in favour of their preservation. After several years of official inquiries and debate it was decided that the old houses should refurbished: Today Östra Mariaberget is a unique eighteenth-century setting and one of Stockholm’s most attractive residential areas.

Hornsgatan is part of an area comprising a number of buildings in a setting where valuable historical remains of the old town are preserved.

[Images - from top to bottom and left to right]
(1) Hornsgatans framdragning vid Maria kyrka. När Hornsgatan breddades och sänkies försvann ett stycke av Maria kyrkogård Flera gamla gravar grävdes upp och flyttades. Många hus revs, bl. a. Daurerska malmgården, Bellmans födelsehus. Kyrkogården stod fårdig 1904

(2) Hornsgatan õsterut 1901. Husen till höger ar nybyggda vid den nya gatulinjen. Till höger i bakgrunden ligger Maria fattighus som revs strax därpå. 1904 var den nya leden klar med stödmurar och trappa vid den avskurna Bellmansgatan.

Potografier i Stockholms stadsmuseum

(3) Hornsgatan från Maria kyrkogård mot norr. I hörnet vid Maria trappgränd är ett café och i huset till höger finns C E Jonssons Möbleringsetablissement


(4) Gården till Hornsgatan 48 år 1965.


Emblem of Stockholm Municipality
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The sign describes the history of the street where the sign is located (next to the "Boat of Fools" statue Click for sign's details)
One of a series of signs describing streets in the city of Stockholm

The pictures that appear on the sign are shown here enlarged, with the translation of the text below (the pictures are numbered from top to bottom and left to right)
(1) The extension of Hornsgatan by Maria kyrka. When Hornsgatan was widened and sunk, a piece of Maria’s cemetery disappeared. Several old graves were dug up and moved. Many houses were demolished, e.g. a. Daurerska malmgården, Bellman’s birthplace. The cemetery was completed in 1904
Click for a larger image

(2) Hornsgatan looking east in 1901. The houses on the right are newly built along the new street line. On the right in the background is Maria’s poorhouse, which was demolished shortly afterwards. In 1904, the new trail was completed with retaining walls and stairs at the cut-off Bellmansgatan.
Click for a larger image

(3) Hornsgatan from Maria cemetery to the north. In the corner by Maria trappgränd is a cafe and in the house on the right is C E Jonsson’s Möbleringestablissement
Click for a larger image

(4) The farm to Hornsgatan 48 in 1965.
Click for a larger image

(1) (2) Photographs in the Stockholm City Museum
(3) Photo LARSSON ATELIER 1907

Translation of the text on the sign:
[Translation of the text in Swedish]


HORNSGATAN AND Gõtgatan were the two main axes in the new street network that was laid out across Södermalm in the 1640s. Horn is a natural name and refers to the district’s westernmost headland that juts out into Årstaviken.
In the great Maria fire of 1759, the church and all the wooden houses on the mountain burned. Many of the stone houses survived so well that they could be completely or partially rebuilt.
Today we call the Hornsgatspuckeln the high part of the street. It is the old stretch of street, which remained when the street was blown down and widened at the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1964, the Real Estate Board adopted a remediation plan that required the demolition of almost all the houses on Hornsgatspuckeln. The building was considered uninteresting and in too bad a condition for it to be possible to equip it. But opinion grew against the decision. Many believed that it was quite possible to create a neighborhood where people would want to live, where they only saw dirt and decay. This is what author Per Anders Fogelström wrote in 1965.

»When walking through the streets: let your imagination play, try to imagine what it could look like here if the houses were carefully renovated, plastered in bright colors. If the small town became inhabited, the houses lived, children played on the merry, car-free cobblestone slopes, scrap and rubbish disappeared and trees grew green. The fairy tale could become reality.
Mariaberget one of the city’s finest residential areas and at the same time a preserved idyll, a living work of art. Can be - if we want enough, if we manage to convince enough people.«

After several years of investigations, debate and opinion formation, while the houses fell into disrepair and were increasingly neglected, it was agreed that Mariaberget’s buildings were interesting and worth preserving. Today, Östra Mariaberget is a unique 18th-century environment and one of Stockholm’s most attractive residential areas.

The settlement on Mariaberget constitutes a so-called RESERVE AREA. Such include a number of properties in a preserved cultural-historically valuable area as examples of remains of the old city. The houses are owned and managed by AB Stadsholmen, a subsidiary of AB Svenska Bostäder

The settlement on Mariaberget constitutes a so-called RESERVATION SUMMER ADE. Such include a number of properties in a preserved cultural-historically valuable area as examples of remains of the old city. The houses are owned and managed by AB Stadsholmen, a subsidiary of AB Svenska Bostäder

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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