Various signs
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Sign: Nantes - Neighborhood stories

75 Rue Sophie Germain, 44300 Nantes, France

On the sign:
Histoires du quartier
Les haies bocagères, la mémoire des grands arbres


[map 1]
1866-source: carte de l ’État Major
La vallée de l’Erdre est déjà habitée. Quelques hameaux, prairies, vignobles et petits bois sont reliés par un réseau de chemins et de voies carrossables.

[map 2]
1979-source: vue aérienne
Le quartier de la Boisbonnière et le Port Douillard se sont développés. L’usine MHS qui fabrique des cartes à puce’s ’installe et conserve le bocage.

[map 3]
2004 - source: vue satellite
Les quartiers pavillonnaires se densifient et s’étendent au Nord et au Sud de la nouvelle zone industrielle. L’autoroute vient scinder le bocage.

La ville habitée et les activités industrielles remplacent progressivement les paysages agricoles Dans ce contexte, vous observerez la persistance de la trame bocggère et l’extension des bosquets, qui prennent une valeur de refuge naturel.

atelier campo
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Description of the development of the neighborhood through maps from 3 different periods.

The place where the sign is located is shown in the following picture Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Neighborhood stories
Bocage hedges, the memory of big trees


[map 1]
1866-source: map of the General Staff
The Erdre valley is already inhabited. A few hamlets, meadows, vineyards and small woods are connected by a network of paths and carriageways.

[map 2]
1979-source: aerial view
The Boisbonnière district and Port Douillard have developed. The MHS factory which manufactures smart cards installs and maintains the bocage.

[map 3]
2004 - source: satellite view
The residential neighborhoods are becoming denser and extending to the North and South of the new industrial zone. The highway splits the bocage.

The inhabited city and industrial activities are gradually replacing the agricultural landscapes. In this context, you will observe the persistence of the boggère network and the extension of the groves, which take on the value of a natural refuge.

campo workshop

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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