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Sign: Noto - World Heritage Site - The Late Baroque Cities of the Val di Noto Special item

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 139, 96017 Noto SR, Italy

On the sign:

[The map of the area and the names of the cities in the Val di Noto area]
Caltagirone / Catania / Militello Val di Catania / Modica / Noto / Palazzolo Acreide / Ragusa / Scicli


Le otto città della Sicilia sud-orientale (Caltagirone, Catania, Militello Val di Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa e Scicli) sono state ricostruite dopo il terremoto del 1693 nello stesso luogo o nelle vicinanze dei siti distrutti.
Esse rappresentano un’importante iniziativa collettiva, portata a termine ottenendo un lodevole livello artistico ed architettonico. Completamente conformi allo stile tardo barocco dell’epoca, le città hanno apportato delle interessanti innovazioni nel campo dell’urbanistica e dell’architettura.

Eight towns in south-eastern Sicily Caltagirone, Catania, Militello Val di Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa and Scicli, were rebuilt after 1693- on or beside towns existing before the earthquake of that year.
The reconstruction of these towns represents a considerable collective undertaking, accomplished successfully and with a uniformly high architectural and artistic standard. While adhering to the late Baroque style of the day, these towns depict distinctive innovations in urban planning and construction.

Les huit villes du sud-est de la Sicilie, Caltagirone, Catania, Militello Val di Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Ragusa et Scicli, ont toutes été reconstruites après 1693, sur le site ou à côté des villes qui s’y dressaient avant le tremblement de terre de cette même année. Elles représentent une initiative collective considérable, menée à terme à un haut niveau architec- tural et artistique. Globalement conformes au style baroque tardif de l’époque, elles représentent des innovations marquantes dans le domaine de l’urbanisme et de la construction urbaine.

[UNESCO logo]
[World Heritage Sites logo]
[SPQN logo]

città įscritta nella lista del patrimonio mondiale, culturale e naturale dell’UNESCO

town registered in UNESCO’S world, cultural and natural heritage list

cité inscrite dans la liste du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel del l’UNESCO

giugno 2002
[June 2002]
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The sign is located in the Val di Noto region (southeast Sicily), recognized as a world heritage site in 2002 mainly because of the late baroque style that characterizes many sites in them.
The sign is located in the Palazzo Ducezio (Town Hall) of Noto.

SPQN - Senatus PopulusQue Netinus - The Senate of the People of Netinus

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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