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Sign: Tel Aviv - MUZA Park - Oil Mill

Museum orchard, Mordechai Namir Rd, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
בית הבד
Olive Press
معصرة الزيتون

שחזור מודרני, כורכר
Modern reproduction, kurkar
مستحدثة, كركار

בית בד לעצירת שמן, משוחזר כדוגמת בתי בד מסורתיים בארץ-ישראל. במבנה ובסמוך לו מוצגים מכלולי מתקנים אשר שימשו להפקת שמן זית בארץ-ישראל במשך אלפי שנות פעילות חקלאית.

Reconstruction of an olive press in the traditional style used in the Land of Israel. Inside the building and its surroundings are situated facilities for extraction of olive oil from various periods across thousands of years of agricultural activity in the Land of Israel.

معصرة لإنتاج زيت الزيتون, تم بناءها على طراز المعاصر التقليدية في أرض إسرائيل. في المبنى وبالقرب منه تعرض منشآت كانت تستخدم لإنتاج زيت الزيتون في البلاد خلال آلاف السنين من النشاط الزراعي.

סמל עיריית תל אביב
סמל מוז"א - מוזיאון ארץ-ישראל תל-אביב
סמל קרן מנדל

Tel Aviv municipality symbol
MUZA symbol - Eretz Israel Museum Tel Aviv
Mendel Foundation symbol
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The reconstruction of the Oil Press House is located in the Muza Orchard - which opened in 2023, is open to the general public and includes a variety of types of flora and items from the collections of the Eretz Israel Museum.

The Oil Press house was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image
On the other side of the building you can see two pressing facilities Click for a larger image

The interior of the Oil Press house was photographed that day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Another sign is on the wall of the building with the words Oil Press in Hebrew, Arabic and English Click for a larger image.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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