A straight route (no return to the starting point) following the series Ramat Gans History with a length of approx 2 km A route that starts at Ramat Gan - Bejerano House
| or click to the same route starting from .
The nearest sign
The actual length of the route is: as the crow flies (and according to Google Maps: )
Click to change the route
1. The distances are in air lines, and do not take into account rivers, bridges, roads, so it is likely that the actual distance will be longer
For your convenience, a walking route that takes into account bridges, roads, etc. is presented in the following way (route according to Google Maps)
, a route that can be parallel to an aerial route
Distances preceded by the sign are real distances (according to Google Maps), the other distances are distances according to as the crow flies.
2. Clicking on the picture of the sign will open the sign page on the website (in a separate window). Clicking on the line (or hover), will highlight the station on the attached map.
3. Click on to get walking instructions from your current location to station number N
1Ramat Gan - Bejerano House
Zar St, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 0 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 0 Meter ()
2Ramat Gan - "Hachlama" Convalescent Home
Moshe Sharet St 27, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 45 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 45 Meter ()
3Ramat Gan - The Abraham Garden
Yosef ha-Glili St 1, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 80 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 125 Meter ()
4Ramat Gan - The Bialik Bench
Yosef ha-Glili St 5, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 14 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 139 Meter ()
5Ramat Gan - Housing quarters for Police officers
Zeev Jabotinsky St 122, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 306 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 445 Meter ()
6Ramat Gan - Dov Gruner
Zeev Jabotinsky St 122, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 4 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 449 Meter ()
7Ramat Gan - Monument to Dov Gruner
Zeev Jabutinsky Rd 118, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 62 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 511 Meter ()
8Ramat Gan - Beit HaOfeh (The Bakers House)
Sderot HaYeled 1, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 660 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.17 Km ()
9Ramat Gan - The King David Garden
Sderot HaYeled 3, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 162 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.33 Km ()
10Ramat Gan - The Ordea Cinema
Kikar Rambam 3, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 225 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.56 Km ()
11Ramat Gan - The Rosenblum House
Kikar Rambam 5, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 47 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.6 Km ()
12Ramat Gan - Rambam Square
Bialik St 42, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 67 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.67 Km ()
13Ramat Gan - Beit HaEzrach and Dvir Bialik Library
Bialik St 42, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 33 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.7 Km ()
14Ramat Gan - The Central Bus Station
Shilo St 2, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 43 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.75 Km ()
15Ramat Gan - City Hall
Ramat Gan Municipality / Bialik, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 39 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.79 Km ()
16Ramat Gan - The Shaul Garden
Sderot Nehama 8, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 293 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 2.08 Km ()
17Ramat Gan - Workers Council Building
Maale ha-Tsofim St 14, Ramat Gan, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 123 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 2.2 Km ()
The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers