A straight route (no return to the starting point) following the series Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - History of the railway line with a length of approx 2 km A route that starts at Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - Beit Safafa neighborhood (76)
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The actual length of the route is: as the crow flies (and according to Google Maps: )
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1. The distances are in air lines, and do not take into account rivers, bridges, roads, so it is likely that the actual distance will be longer
For your convenience, a walking route that takes into account bridges, roads, etc. is presented in the following way (route according to Google Maps)
, a route that can be parallel to an aerial route
Distances preceded by the sign are real distances (according to Google Maps), the other distances are distances according to as the crow flies.
2. Clicking on the picture of the sign will open the sign page on the website (in a separate window). Clicking on the line (or hover), will highlight the station on the attached map.
3. Click on to get walking instructions from your current location to station number N
1Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - Beit Safafa neighborhood (76)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 0 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 0 Meter ()
2Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1900 - Picture of filling a steam locomotive with water (75)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 42 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 42 Meter ()
3Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - The water system and the fireman (74)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 37 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 79 Meter ()
4Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1948 - A picture of operating the water-filling system (73)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 16 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 95 Meter ()
5Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1950 - A picture of a train inspector at the Lod station (72)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 56 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 152 Meter ()
6Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - The locomotive driver and the fireman (71)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 35 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 186 Meter ()
7Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1949 - A picture of a guard signaling to a train (70)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 88 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 274 Meter ()
8Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1925 - A residence of the railway workers (69)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 40 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 314 Meter ()
9Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1930-1940 - A picture of workers waiting for a train (68)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 18 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 332 Meter ()
10Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - The train conductor (67)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 34 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 366 Meter ()
11Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1900 - Turntable (66)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 35 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 401 Meter ()
12Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - Details on railway tracks (65)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 37 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 438 Meter ()
13Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1892 - Picture of wooden sleepers near the track (64)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 36 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 474 Meter ()
14Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - Bridges and Switch (63)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 35 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 509 Meter ()
15Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1938 - Talpiot neighborhood (62)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 52 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 561 Meter ()
16Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1986 - The Youth Aliyah summer holiday train (60)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 93 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 654 Meter ()
17Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1918 - Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi writes about traveling by train (59)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 37 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 691 Meter ()
18Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1900 - The Bittir station and village (58)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 55 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 745 Meter ()
19Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1893 - The Jerusalem mountains (57)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 50 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 795 Meter ()
20Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1893 - A train passing through the Judean mountains (56)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 54 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 849 Meter ()
21Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1890 - The building materials used at the station (55)
Mekor Haim Garden, Mekor Haim St 35, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 53 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 902 Meter ()
22Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1947 - Mekor Haim neighborhood and Beit Safafa (54)
Mekor Haim Garden, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 54 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 956 Meter ()
23Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - 1930 - The railway track in the Makor Haim neighborhood (53)
HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel
The distance from the previous station: 49 Meter (), Direction:
Cumulative distance: 1.01 Km ()