A station on the ""Rishonim route", set up by a joint initiative of the Givatayim Municipality and the veterans association of Borochov neighborhood, featuring signs that mention the homes and institutions in Borochov neighborhoods.
The site description appears on a separate sign
Click for a larger image Above the "Slick" is its description
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image The following picture taken that day shows the dovecote of the pigeons, which was used as a camouflage for the ventilation tube of the slick (hiding place) below
Click for a larger image The place is also defined as a heritage site
Click for sign's details Translation of the text on the sign:
Borochov neighborhood
Beth Aldema
[Site description appears on separate sign]
Beit Aledma and the Slick
Here, in 1922, Abraham Aledmas home, a painter and a painting teacher in the Herzliya Gymnasium, was established. The first houses built in the Borochov neighborhood were the same, and only the Aledma house was different and special: The Aledma home had a flat roof, surrounded by a railing in the style of the Herzliya gymnasium and the walls of Jerusalem.
The home of Abraham and Zahava served as a cultural center of the Borochov neighborhood. A large stage was erected in the courtyard, and around 800 seats. Here the "Habima" "HaOhel" and "HaMatate" theaters appeared, cinema films were screened and various events took place.
Beit Aledma served as the center for Haganah, and members of the organization in Gush Dan were sworn in. A pit was excavated in the yard under the house that was the weapons warehouse, and the first "slick" of the Haganah. The excavation was carried out at night, in complete secrecy, by the Haganah commanders Shaul Avigur, Eliahu Golomb, Yehuda Sharett and Abraham Acker. The dovecote of pigeons given to Ben Ran, as a bar mitzvah gift, was used as a camouflage for the ventilation tube. Hundreds of guns, pistols, "Schwarzlosa" machine guns, 2-inch mortars, grenades, and ammunition were hidden in the slick.
JNF (Jewish National Fund) emblem, Givatayim emblem
Symbol of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites - Israel
Veterans Association Borochov neighborhood
[Above the Slick is another sign]
Aldema Slick
The "Slick" (secret weapons warehouse), in the courtyard of Beit Aledma, was the first central weapons warehouse of the Haganah. It was excavated and built here, under Avraham Aledmas hut as early as 1922, the first year of the establishment of the Borochov neighborhood.
Saul Avigur-Meirov, Avraham Eicher, and Yehuda Sharet-Shertok, Gen. Yosef Hecht, Haganah Commander, and Jacob Feinberg, in charge of the "slicks". built it. The storekeeper was Menachem Tzedek. The slick had about 300 rifles, several machine guns, most notably "Schwarzlosa", numerous pistols, submachine guns, 52mm mortars, and appropriate ammunition.
The dovecote built next to it was given as a bar mitzvah gift to the eldest son Ran Aldema. The chimney was used as a chimney through which the air was drawn through a large tap. Thus, the weapon is kept in good condition for daily use. The Slick was never discovered, and the events and shows that took place here did not suggest that there was a firearm in the yard.
At the declaration of independence, all weapons were delivered to the Israeli Defense Forces.