The photo of the house was taken that day
Click for a larger image The bell mentioned in the sign appears on a special sign
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Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
The emblem of Rehovot
Dondikov House / Bell Hill "Dondikov House" named for Abraham Joshua Dondikov , one of the founders of Rehovot and a member of the first committee.
"Dondikov House" - the third house built in the colony.
The hill on which it was erected was then called "Hirbat Duran Hill" and that is, in fact, the placental hill, Rehovot was established.
After the writer Moshe Smilansky, married Esther to the house of Dondikov , he moved to a house that became one of the main houses in the Hebrew settlement in the country. In the courtyard are Oil mills, as well as tall and mature eucalyptus trees towering from the top of the hill.
In its first four years of streets, there was a large bell, the bell of the colony, which sounded an alarm, and on all sides came running, peasants and laborers, and in their hands hoes. Thats why the hill was called "Bell Hill."
This bell was restored by the Rehovot Municipality in 2003.