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On the sign:
עמוד התיכון יגאל תומרקין מחווה לדליה רביקוביץ ז"ל
"בין ארבע הרוחות יש עמוד התיכון עמוד התיכון לנשמת-כל-חי כל הנשמה בצרור החיים וצרור החיים בעמוד התיכון"
About the Sculpture: The sculpture is in the garden next to the house where the poet Dalia Ravikovitch lived Click for sign's details. The sign reads the first stanza of Dalia Ravikovitch’s poem "The Middle Pillar"
In 2024, Gail reported that the sign and statue were no longer in that location.
Translation of the text on the sign: Middle Pillar Igael Tumarkin Tribute to the late Dalia Ravikovitch
"Between the four winds there is the middle pillar The Middle Pillar of the All-Living Soul The whole soul in the bundle of life And the bundle of life on the middle pillar"