One of the Story Gardens in Holon, gardens designed according to childrens books.
The garden with sculptures depicting the story was photographed that day
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 1
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 2 - A clerk with a washing stick in his ear
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 3 - A citizen jumps on one leg
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
The plots of Ferdinand Pedhatzur in brief
Author: Ephraim Sidon
Original illustrations: Yossi Abulafia
Sculpture: Isaac Mevurach
Design: Carmela Gabriel Architect - 2013
Story Garden Icon
Branding symbol of the city of Holon - Holon - the city of children
[Quote from book 1]
"In one country overseas
Long live a wise and prudent old king.
His name was strange and difficult to speak,
Leonard Ferdinand-Pedhzur I
We will call him like the majority of the masses
Just Ferdinand-Pedhatzur
in brief
[Quote from book 2 - clerk with a washing stick in his ear]
"Ferdinand Pedhatzur added an order
On all officials without question
A stick of laundry in the ear to hang
And whoever sticks out of the ear will remove -
Will be fired and will stop working as a clerk
and this"
[Quote from Book 3 - A Citizen Jumps on One Leg]
"As of today, all residents of the country are obligated
All alike
Regardless of gender and age.
Stop walking on a regular two,
And in force a special royal decree
Start jumping
On one foot "