Various signs
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Sign: Jerusalem - HaMesila Park - The water system and the fireman (74)

HaMesila Park, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
[צד 2]
[Side 2]
Steam locomotives must be filled with water a number of times during journey, depending on the route. The fireman is in charge of filling water from special faucets, installed along the way near available water sources. On the Jaffa-Jerusalem line there was no lack of water, but on other lines in more arid areas tanks with faucets stood, which were filled with water brought by special trains.

קטר 3 עם רכבת מעורבת לוקח מים בתחנת סג’ד, בסביבות 1890.
قاطرة 3 مع قطار تختلط يتزود بالماء في محطة سجد ، حوالی 1890
Locomotive with mixed train taking water at the Sejed station, circa 1890
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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