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Sign: Tel Aviv - Birds of Tel Aviv

Bavli Promenade, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

On the sign:
סמל מיתוג של העיר תל אביב - חברת גני יהושע

ציפורי תל-אביב
תערוכת גרפיטי בפארק גני יהושע

ברחבי פארק גני יהושע חיות ועוברות כמאתיים זנים של ציפורים. חלק מן הציפורים הן דיירות קבע וחלקן עוצרות אצלנו כתחנת ביניים במסע הנדידה.
לכבודן יצרנו את תערוכת ציפורי תל-אביב, הכוללת 25 איורי גרפיטי של ציפורים נבחרות ושכיחות בנוף הפארק.

ציפורי התערוכה מסתתרות להן בכל פינה, בשבילים, על גבי קירות, ספסלים, מדרכות ועוד. הביטו סביב ונסו למצוא ולזהות אותן על פי מגדיר הציפורים שכאן על הגשר.

כדי לאפשר לכם ליהנות עוד יותר מהחוויה :
סרקו את קוד ה QR המופיע פה, ועברו לאתר שילווה אתכם בטיול. באתר תוכלו לקבל מידע על כל ציפור, לסמן לעצמכם את הציפורים שגיליתם ואם לא תמצאו, לגלות היכן הן מסתתרות בפארק.
אנחנו מזמינים את כולכם להביט סביב, לגלות את הציפורים שעפות ומצייצות וגם את אלו המאויירות.

עבודות האיור נוצרו על ידי הציירת נעה אלון מסטודיו- Always Never, נעה חוקרת ויוצרת עבודות אמנות בנושא טבע מקומי עם התמקדות במיני ציפורים וצמחי העיר. noaalonart@

אל תשכחו לצלם ולתייג citybirds_tlv#

משחק הציפורים יוצא לדרך!
סרקו את הקוד: קוד QR Bird Exhibition - Ganei Yehoshua Company
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The sign and the pictures of the birds are on the wall of the pedestrian bridge over the Yarkon Park, as can be seen in the pictures taken that day Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

After the theme sign, the pictures of the birds appear:
Spur-winged lapwing Click for a larger image

Black-headed gull Click for a larger image

Bluethroat Click for a larger image

Mallard Click for a larger image

Barn swallow Click for a larger image

Common kestrel Click for a larger image

Common myna Click for a larger image

Grey heron Click for a larger image

Hoopoe Click for a larger image

Common swift Click for a larger image

Egyptian goose Click for a larger image
An Egyptian goose was photographed in 2023 in Yarkon Park by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Eurasian sparrowhawk Click for a larger image

Pied kingfisher Click for a larger image

Graceful prinia Click for a larger image

Yellow-legged gull Click for a larger image

Common moorhen Click for a larger image

Little grebe Click for a larger image

Syrian woodpecker Click for a larger image

Willow warbler Click for a larger image

White-throated kingfisher Click for a larger image

Great tit Click for a larger image

Striated heron Click for a larger image

Common kingfisher Click for a larger image

House sparrow Click for a larger image

Little egret Click for a larger image

European stonechat Click for a larger image

Pictures of the birds appear throughout the park on fountains Click for a larger image, garbage cans Click for a larger image, electrical and communication cabinets Click for a larger image, pedestrian bridge Click for a larger image, Hayarkon bridge base Click for a larger image, benches Click for a larger image, and even on the walls of the toilet building Click for a larger image, as can be seen in the following photos taken a few days later

Translation of the text on the sign:
Branding symbol of the city of Tel Aviv - Ganei Yehoshua company

Birds of Tel Aviv
Graffiti exhibition in Ganei Yehoshua Park

About two hundred species of birds live and pass through Joshua Gardens Park. Some of the birds are permanent residents and some stop with us as a stopover on the migration journey.
In their honor, we created the Tel Aviv Birds Exhibition, which includes 25 graffiti illustrations of selected and common birds in the park landscape.

The birds of the exhibition hide in every corner, on paths, on walls, benches, sidewalks and more. Look around and try to find and identify them according to the bird sets here on the bridge.

To allow you to enjoy the experience even more:
Scan the QR code listed here, and go to the site that will accompany you on the trip. On the site you can get information about each bird, mark for yourself the birds you discovered and if you do not find, find out where they are hiding in the park.
We invite you all to look around, to discover the birds that fly and chirp and also the illustrated ones.

The illustration works were created by the artist Noa Alon from the Always-Studio, Noa researches and creates works of art on the subject of local nature with a focus on species of birds and plants of the city. @noaalonart

Do not forget to take photos and tag #citybirds_tlv

The game of birds is on its way!
Scan the code: QR code Bird Exhibition - Ganei Yehoshua Company

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

Initiating the site - Eli Zvuluny - Programming and building the site Possible Worlds Ltd. Possible Worlds Ltd. © 2019-2025

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - The site and its content are copyright protected. The full copyrights of the site's content belong to Eli Zvuluny. All images in the site (unless another photographer is mentioned) were taken by Eli Zvuluny that has the full copyrights on them. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Eli Zvuluny. .