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On the sign:
W SCHULHOF SCHOOLYARD Frühere Bezeichnung für den heutigen Judenplatz. Bis 1421 Teil der Judenstadt. "Schul" steht auch für Synagoge.
Former name for the modern-day Judenplatz. Part of the Jewish quarter until 1421. "Schul" also stands for synagogue.
Sign number 206 from the "Vienna - the city introduces itself" series of signs, an initiative established in 1956 as part of the Vienna Festival, which shows significant places in the city. The serial number is displayed at the bottom of the sign. Above the sign are 4 flags of Austria, which is a hallmark of the project, and the possibility of recognizing it from a distance Click for a larger image
Note that this sign is slightly different from other signs from the same series - the text appears in it in two languages (German and English), the phrase "Vienna - A city introduces itself" does not appear at the bottom, but the initiating factor - the Vienna Tourist Board.
The sign is on one of the houses surrounding the square that was part of the Jewish Quarter until 1421.