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Sign: Vienna - Stallburg

Reitschulgasse 2, 1010 Wien, Austria

On the sign:
Die Stallburg
um die Mitte des 16 Jahrhunderts von Erzherzog Maximilian als Residenz errichtet spater nur selten von Mitglieden des Herrscher hauses bewohnt beherbergte von 1659-1776 die Kunstsammlung des Erzherzogs Leopold Wilhelm die spätere Stallburg - Galerie. Seinen Namen erhielt der Bau von den Stallen für Leibpferde des Kaiserhauses die seit 1565 im Erdgeschosz unterge brachr waren seit Karl VI - dienen diese Raume als Stallungen für die Pferde der Spanischen Hofreitschule
Durch Bomben im Jahre 1945 schwer beschädigt wurde das Gebaude 1947/48 wiederhergestellr .
Der neugeschaffene Arkaden - Durchgang ist am 1 - Juli 1948 eröffnet worden . Die Ver mauerten Bogengänge im Renaissancehof wurden im Jahre 1960 freigelegt .
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The plaque is inside the building that served as the residence of Archduke Maximilian II before he became emperor. Later it housed the art collection of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria. The name of the building derives from the horse stables of the imperial family that were housed on the ground floor.

The interior of the building where the sign is located was photographed that day Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Die Stallburg (The stable castle)
built around the middle of the 16th century by Archduke Maximilian as a residence later only rarely inhabited by members of the ruling house housed the art collection of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm from 1659-1776, which later became the Stallburg gallery. The building got its name from the stables for the personal horses of the imperial family, which had been housed on the ground floor since 1565. Since Charles VI, these rooms have been used as stables for the horses of the Spanish Riding School
Badly damaged by bombs in 1945, the building was restored in 1947/48.
The newly created arcade passage was opened on July 1 , 1948 . The walled arcades in the Renaissance courtyard were uncovered in 1960 .

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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