The plaque is dedicated to the Portuguese politician Adelino Amaro da Costa, founder of the Social Democratic Party (CDS) who was also Portugals Minister of Defense. Da Costa was killed in a light plane crash that also killed the Prime Minister of Portugal, a crash that was probably the result of a bomb on the plane.
The sign is on the party house that was photographed that day
Click for a larger image As indicated on the sign on the curb in the square, there is a sentence that reflects Da Costas path
We are against the exploitation of a person by a person and also against the exploitation of a person by the state
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Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
Adelino Amaro da Costa was born in Algés on April 18, 1943. He was a leader of Catholic Action and Catholic School Youth. He graduated in Civil Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico.
In July 1974 he was one of the founders of the CDS-Partido do Centro Democrático Social, of which he was the first Secretary-General and the first Vice-President. He was elected Deputy to the Constituent Assembly, to the Assembly of the Republic and leader of the CDS Parliamentary Group. In 1975, he idealized and founded the IDL Instituto Democracia e Liberdade.
At the age of 36, he took office as Minister of National Defense, the first civilian in this position after April 25, 1974.
On the night of December 4, 1980, while traveling to an election rally, the plane on which Manuela Vaz Pires Amaro da Costa was traveling, whom she had married the previous year, Prime Minister Francisco Sá Carneiro and Snu Abecassis, crashed. António Patricio Gouveia and the pilots-Jorge Albuquerque and Alfredo de Sousa. In 1995 Parliament found that the plane crash in Camarate was caused by an attack.
In this square, with his name, in front of the party he founded, some phrases are inscribed that reflect the spirit and vision, of the Country and the World, of a great Portuguese.
Instituto Amara de Casta