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Sign: Stockholm - NK department store

Hamngatan 18-20, 111 47 Stockholm, Sweden

On the sign:
Samfundet S:t Erik
[Logo of The St. Erik Society]

Varuhuset uppfördes 1912-15 för AB Nordiska Kompaniet, bildat 1902 för en exklusiv kundkrets genom ett sam- gående mellan K M Lundbergs varuhus vid Stureplan och Joseph Leja vid Regeringsgatan. Arkitekt var Ferdinand Boberg. Byggnaden har bärande stom- me av stål och fasad av granit. Den glas- täckta ljusgården har delvis bevarad ur- sprunglig dekor. Sedan 1991 är NK ett fastighetsholag med fristående special- affärer.

Built 1912-1915, with an exclusive clientele in mind, for AB Nordiska Kompaniet. Architect, Ferdinand Boberg. The building has a loadbear- ing steel frame and a granite façade.
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Saint Eric Society (Samfundet S:t Erik) is a non-profit organization that aims to preserve the knowledge and history of the city of Stockholm.

The department store designed by Ferdinand Boberg was photographed on the same day by the same photographer (the letters NK can be seen on the façade of the building) Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[The text in the Swedish language is more detailed, so its translation is presented here]

The department store was built in 1912-15 for AB Nordiska Kompaniet, formed in 1902 for an exclusive clientele through a merger between K M Lundberg’s department store at Stureplan and Joseph Leja at Regeringsgatan. The architect was Ferdinand Boberg. The building has a load-bearing frame of steel and a facade of granite. The glass-covered light garden has partially preserved its original decor. Since 1991, NK has been a real estate company with independent specialist businesses.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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