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Sign: Stockholm - Oxtorgsgatan Neighborhood

Oxtorgsgatan 17, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden

On the sign:
Samfundet S:t Erik
[Logo of The St. Erik Society]

Med de två bostadshusen i starkt grön och röd puts på ömse sidor om Malmskillnadsgatan fylldes ett hål igen i stadsbilden efter City- omvandlingens rivningar. Arkitekten Sune Malmquist (Arndt & Malmquist Arkitekter AB) har här skapat ett formspråk, tydligt inspirerat av de närbelägna Kungstornens och Konsert- husets 20-talsklassicism. Byggnaderna, uppförda 1992-1996, har kritiserats som stilimiterande pastischarkitektur men också prisats som ett intressant postmodernistiskt infill-projekt.

The two residential buildings completed in 1996 were designed by Sune Malmquist as infill for this challenging site. They show evi- dent allusions to the neighbouring tower blocks and the concert hall in a neo-classical vein. The postmodernist design has been both prized and criticized.

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Saint Eric Society (Samfundet S:t Erik) is a non-profit organization that aims to preserve the knowledge and history of the city of Stockholm.

One of the houses designed by Sune Malmquist was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
[The text in the Swedish language is more detailed, so its translation is presented here]

Oxtorgsgatan Neighborhood
With the two residential buildings in strong green and red plaster on either side of Malmskillnadsgatan, a hole was filled in the cityscape after the demolitions of the City transformation. The architect Sune Malmquist (Arndt & Malmquist Arkitekter AB) has created a design language here, clearly inspired by the 20th-century classicism of the nearby Kungstornen and Konserthuset. The buildings, erected in 1992-1996, have been criticized as style-imitating pastiche architecture but also praised as an interesting postmodernist infill project.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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