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Sign: Paris - Gardens - Hôtel-de-Sens Garden

7 Rue du Figuier, 75004 Paris, France

On the sign:

Jardin de l’Hôtel-de-Sens

L’Hôtel de Sens, rare vestige de l’architecture médiévale civile à Paris, est construit de 1475 à 1519, sur l’ordre de Tristan de Salazar, archevêque de Sens. Il héberge quelques mois Marguerite de Valois (1553-1615), surnommée la reine Margot, première épouse d’Henri IV. Les cardinaux archevêques le quittent en 1622. Jusqu’à la Révolution, l’hôtel est loué à des particuliers. Vendu comme bien national, il est transformé au cours du XIXe siècle par les propriétaires successifs avant d’être racheté en 1911, par la Ville de Paris. Les travaux de restauration, commencés en 1929, ne s’achèvent qu’en 1961. Il abrite la bibliothèque Forney, consacrée aux arts décoratifs, aux métiers d’art, aux techniques, aux Beaux-Arts et aux arts graphiques. Le jardin illustre à la perfection l’art des jardins à la française.

[Opening hours]

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Sign in a series of signs placed by the municipality of Paris describing the history of the city’s gardens.

The garden is around the castle where the archbishop of Sens lived

The garden was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image
And also on the other side (where there is a sign identical to the current sign) Click for a larger image

The castle Hôtel-de-Sens is described in the following sign Click for sign's details

More details about the place and the library located there can be found on the sign on the fence of the entrance gate to the library Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:

Hôtel-de-Sens Garden

The Hôtel de Sens, a rare vestige of medieval civil architecture in Paris, was built from 1475 to 1519, on the orders of Tristan de Salazar, Archbishop of Sens. For a few months it lodged Marguerite de Valois (1553-1615), nicknamed Queen Margot, first wife of Henri IV. The cardinal archbishops left it in 1622. Until the Revolution, the hotel was rented to individuals. Sold as national property, it was transformed during the 19th century by successive owners before being bought in 1911 by the City of Paris. Restoration work, begun in 1929, was not completed until 1961. It houses the Forney library, devoted to decorative arts, crafts, techniques, fine arts and graphic arts. The garden perfectly illustrates the art of French gardens.

[Opening hours]

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