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Sign: Paris - Gardens - Square Roger-Priou-Valjean

6 Rue du Figuier, 75004 Paris, France
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On the sign:

Square Roger-Priou-Valjean

Ce jardin, réaménagé en 2010, rend hommage à Roger Priou- Valjean (1912-1999), ancien résistant et conseiller de Paris. À l’angle des rues du Figuier et du Fauconnier, deux figuiers perpétuent le souvenir du figuier arraché en 1605 pour faciliter le passage du carrousel de la reine Margot, première épouse d’Henri IV.

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Sign in a series of signs placed by the municipality of Paris describing the history of the city’s gardens.

The garden is named after the freedom fighter (World War II) Roger Priou-Valjean

The garden was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

Square Roger-Priou-Valjean

This garden, redesigned in 2010, pays homage to Roger Priou-Valjean (1912-1999), former member of the resistance and adviser to Paris. At the corner of rue du Figuier and rue du Fauconnier, two fig trees perpetuate the memory of the fig tree uprooted in 1605 to facilitate the passage of the carousel of Queen Margot, first wife of Henri IV.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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