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Sign: Paris - Gardens - Garden of the Hotel-Lamavoine-Mark Ashton

23 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris, France

On the sign:

Jardin de l’Hôtel-Lamoignon-Mark Ashton


L’hôtel Lamoignon a été bâti à partir de 1559 par Philibert Delorme, puis remanié et agrandi pour la famille d’Angoulême. Entre 1688 et 1774, il appartient à la famille Lamoignon, dont il conserve le nom. Au XIXe siècle, il est habité notamment par Alphonse Daudet, puis transformé en fabrique et en boutiques. La municipalité l’achète en 1928 et le restaure pour accueillir la Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris en 1969. Son jardin est alors aménagé en square public.

Depuis 2018, ce jardin rend hommage à Mark Ashton, né en 1960, militant des droits des personnes homosexuelles. Membre du parti communiste de Grande-Bretagne, il est convaincu que des causes différentes doivent s’unir: il fonde avec son ami Mike jackson le groupe de soutien Lesbians and Gays support the Miners pour aider les mineurs grévistes. Ce mouvement participe à faire progresser les questions LGBT, en incitant les syndi- cats à soutenir la cause de l’égalité des droits. Il meurt du sida en 1987.

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Sign in a series of signs placed by the municipality of Paris describing the history of the city’s gardens.

The garden where the Historical Library of the City of Paris is now located (since 1969), is also dedicated to Mark Ashton, the British gay activist who worked for LGBT rights.

The garden was photographed on the same day Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:

Garden of the Hotel-Lamavoine-Mark Ashton


The Lamignon hotel was built from 1559 by Philibert Delorme, then remodeled and enlarged for the Angoulême family. Between 1688 and 1774, it belonged to the Lamavoine family, whose name it retained. In the 19th century, it was inhabited in particular by Alphonse Daudet, then transformed into a factory and shops. The municipality bought it in 1928 and restored it to house the Historical Library of the City of Paris in 1969. Its garden was then converted into a public square.

Since 2018, this garden has paid tribute to Mark Ashton, born in 1960, gay rights activist. A member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, he was convinced that different causes must unite: he founded with his friend Mike Jackson the support group Lesbians and Gays support the Miners to help striking miners. This movement helps advance LGBT issues by encouraging unions to support the cause of equal rights. He died of AIDS in 1987.

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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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