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Sign: Porto - a plaque commemorating the politician and lawyer Miguel Veiga

Av. do Brasil 617, 4150-153 Porto, Portugal

On the sign:
Miguel Veiga (1936-2016)
Cidadão do Porto

"O Miguel Veiga era o Porto que nós queremos. O Porto cosmopolita e culto. O Porto da fidelidade e da honra, o Porto da inteireza dos princípios. Esse estatuto simbólico foi-lhe reconhecido em vida. E sabendo desse estatuto, soube exercer essa sua responsabilidade. Tudo era possível, e muito mais lhe era permitido porque tinha uma rara dimensão cultural, um invulgar sentido estético. Era o príncipe republicano, que recusava o jacobinismo, que coleccionava amigos, pintura e livros. Que nos seduzia com o seu sorriso, com as suas palavras, com o seu olhar.’

Rui Moreira in Porgue a Amisade é o Mais Belo Lugar da Terra, 2017
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The plaque placed in 2023 commemorates Porto resident lawyer and politician Miguel Veiga (1936-2016).
Viega was one of the members of the Social Democratic Party in Portugal (PPD/PSD) who was awarded the title of Order of Freedom (Ordem da Liberdade) given for special service to freedom and democracy.
On the sign there is a text from the mayor of Porto Rui Moreira

The house on which the sign is located was photographed on the same day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

Translation of the text on the sign:
Miguel Veiga (1936-2016)
Citizen of Porto

"Miguel Veiga was the Porto that we want. The cosmopolitan and cultured Porto. The Porto of fidelity and honor, the Porto of the integrity of principles. This symbolic status was recognized during his lifetime. And knowing this status, he knew how to exercise this his responsibility. Everything was possible, and much more was allowed because he had a rare cultural dimension, an unusual aesthetic sense. He was the republican prince, who rejected Jacobinism, who collected friends, paintings and books. Who seduced us with his smile , with your words, with your look.’

Rui Moreira in Why Friendship is the Most Beautiful Place on Earth, 2017

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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