Various signs
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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Literary critics, journalists, researchers

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
חיים זשיטלאָווסקי
פֿאַרװאָס דווקא ייִדיש?
די פֿילאָסאָפֿיע
זכרונות פֿון מײַן לעבן

Chaim Zhitlowsky
So Why Yiddish?
Memoirs of My Life

אין ליכטיקן אָנדענק פֿון יעקבֿ און עידית ניומאן
In memory of Jack & Edith Newman, by Fred & Shirley Freiberger

שמעון דובנאָוו
פֿון זשאַרגאָן" צו ייִדיש
געשיכטע פֿון חסידיזם
די וועלט־געשיכטע פֿון ייִדישן פֿאָלק

Simon Dubnow
From "Jargon" to Yiddish
The History of Hasidism
The World History of the Jewish People

In honor of Aaron Morris Mayberg, by Marilyn M. Barron

געקליבענע שריפֿטן
ר’ מענדעלעס וועגעלע
די "זשאַרגאנישע" ליטעראַטור און אירע בעסטע שרײַבער

Selected Works
Reb Mendele’s Wagon
The "Jargon" Literature and Its Best Writers

A gift of Leo & Eda Rabinovitz

ב. ריווקין
ייִדישע דיכטער אין אמעריקע
גרונט-טענדענצן פֿון דער ייִדישער ליטעראַטור אין אַמעריקע
ייִדישע יום-טובים

B. Rivkin
Yiddish Poets in America
Fundamental Tendencies of Yiddish Literature in America
Jewish Holidays

In memory of Barukh Avrom Weinreib, whose pen name was B. Rivkin, by friends and relatives; and in memory of her grandson, Robert West, by Yvette West

שמואל ניגער
דער פנקס
פֿון אַ לעזערס און אַ שרײַבערס נאָטיץ־בוך
די צוויישפּראַכיקײַט פֿון אונדזער ליטעראַטור

Samuel Niger
The Chronicles
From a Reader and Writer’s Note Book
The Bilingualism of Our Literature

In memory of his father, Nathan Lev, by Robert & Shirley Lev

הירש אַבראַמאָוויטש
פֿאַרשווונדענע געשטאַלטן
אויף די חורבֿות פֿון מלחמות און מהומות

Hirsz Abramowicz
Vanished Images
On the Ruins of Wars and Riots

In memory of Lena K. & Louis L. Shapiro, by Dr. Ellis C. & Lillian R. Berkowitz

יחיאל־ישעיה טרונק
שמחה פּלאַכטע פֿון נאַרקאָווע
די ייִדישע פּראָזע אין פוילן צווישן ביידע וועלט־מלחמות

Yehiel Yeshaia Trunk
Simkhe Plakhte of Narkove
Yiddish Prose in Poland between Both World Wars

אין ליכטיקן אָנדענק פֿון נח און מלכה צוקערמאַן
In memory of Noah & Malke Tsukerman, by David Cukierman & Perla Cukierman-Najman

דניאל טשארני
אויפֿן שוועל פֿון יענער וועלט
אַ יאָרצענדליק אַזאַ

Daniel Charney
On the Threshold of the Other World
Such a Decade

A gift of Dr. Jerome L. & Jacqueline K. Bodin
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

On the current sign appear literary critics, journalists, researchers:
Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865-1943), born in Ushachy, Belarus. A writer and journalist whose views were against Zionism and the Hebrew language, meaning an independent Jewish state, speaking Yiddish, without clear borders.
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Simon Dubnow (1860-1941), born in Mstsislaw, Belarus. Jewish writer and historian, considered the father of secular Jewish history records, founder of the Jewish People’s Party in Poland and Lithuania (the folkist movement).
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Baal-Makhshoves (1871-1924), born in Kaunas, Lithuania. The literary name of Isidor Israel Eliashiv, a translator and literary critic who is considered the first critic of Yiddish literature. He was also a neurologist
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B. Rivkin (1883-1945), born in Jakobstadt, Latvia. The pen name of Baruch Avraham Weinerv, literary critic and social philosopher. The first to use the term "Yiddishland" - Yiddish Land, as a definition for the geographical area where Yiddish culture developed. Since 1911 he lived in the United States.
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Samuel Niger (1883-1955), born in Dukora, Belarus. The literary nickname of Shmuel Tcharani, a literary critic who published about fifty volumes on the criticism of Yiddish literature. He adopted the name Niger after his immigration to the United States (1919), when he became involved in the black community in the United States (Tsharni - Black in Russian, and Niger comes from Nigros).
According to the common place of birth, it is likely that he is a relative of Daniel Tcharny
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Hirsz Abramowicz (1881-1960), a journalist who is known to have lived in Vilna, and later moved to the United States. A journalist who wrote in the Yiddish language.
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Yehiel Yeshaia Trunk (1887-1961), was born in Osmólsk, Poland. Writer, historian and researcher of Polish Judaism. Emigrated to the United States in 1941
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Daniel Tcharny (1888-1959), born in Dukora, Belarus. Poet and journalist. In 1941 he immigrated to the United States
According to the common place of birth, it is likely that he is a relative of Samuel Niger
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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