Various signs
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Sign: Amherst - Yiddish Writers Garden - Poets, writers and humorists

1021 West St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

On the sign:
מלכה לי
קינות פֿון אונדזער צײַט
לדורך לויטערע קוואַלן

Malka Lee
Lamentations from Our Times
Through Pure Springs

לכבוד זײַן מאַמע העניע קעסטענבוים
In honor of his mother, Helen Kestenbaum, by Gerald & Gail Kestenbaum

פישל בימקאָ
די אינטריגע

Fishl Bimko
The Intrigue

In memory of Fishl & Lonia Bimko, by Blanche & Emmanuel Binder

דוד אַפּאָטהעקער
די פֿאַרבלאָנדזשעטע
דער לעצטער שטרײַק
הומאריסטישע שריפֿטן

David Apotheker
The Lost
The Last Strike
Humorous Writings

In memory of David Apotheker, by Henry & Judy Jacobs

ב. קאָוונער
לאַכט, ייִדן, לאַכט
וויינענדיקע פֿלייטן
משה קאַפּויער

B. Kovner
Laugh, Jews, Laugh
Wailing Flutes
Moyshe Kapoyr

A gift of Sam & Shirley Zemsky

משה נאַדיר
מײַן ערשטער דעפּאָזיט
פֿון נעכטן ביז מאָרגן
ריווינגטאן סטריט

Moyshe Nadir
My First Deposit
From Yesterday to Tomorrow
Rivington Street

In memory of Morris & Rebecca Schwartz, by Robert M. Schwartz and Eric D. Schwartz

Moyshe Nadir from My First Deposit
איך ווייס נישט ווי אַזוי דאָס איז געשען. ווי אַזוי סע איז מיר אײַנגעפֿאַלן אַזאַ געראַנק צו נעמען מײַנע בלוטיקע געלטער און זיך אנגעטרויען אַ באַנק אָבער עס איז געשען, מוצא חנוכה פֿון הײַנטיקן יאי האב איך גענומען מײַנע שווער פֿאַרהאָרעוועטע געלטער - מײַנע צוואנציק דאָלאַר - און זיי אַוועקגעטראָגן אין באַנק אַרײַן און אַנשטאָט געלט לעבעדיק געלט, וואָס מען קאָן דערמיט קויפֿן װאָס מען וויל, האָב איך געקראָגן עפעס א גרין ביכעלע צונויפגעלייגט אין אַ געל קאַנווערטל, און - דאָס אלץ. אז איך האָב דאָס דערזען איז מיר אײַנגעפֿאַלן ס’הארץ, און איך האָב שוין חרטה געהאט אויף דעם גאנצן ענין.

I don’t know how it happened. How it ever occurred to me to take my bloody cash and trust it to a bank! But it happened. In the middle of Hanukkah last year, I took my hard-earned cash - my twenty dollars - and brought it to the bank. Instead of cash - real live cash, the kind you can buy what you want with - I received some kind of green booklet, staffed in a little yellow envelope - and that’s it. When I saw this my heart fell, and I immediately regretted the whole business.

-Translated by Nahum Gitlis

אסתר שומיאטשער־הירשביין
פאַסן ליכט
אין שעהן פֿון ליבשאַפֿט
אַלע טאָג

Esther Shumiatcher- Hirschbein
Streaks of Light
In Hours of Loving
All Day

אין ליכטיקן אָנדענק פֿון מאיר און רייזל אַסטראָף
In memory of Meyer & Rose Ostrow, by Jack M. Ostrow

אפרים אויערבאך
אַדאַס לידער־בוך
לויטער איז דער אַלטער קוואַל

Ephraim Auerbach
Ada’s Song Book
Pure Is the Old Spring

In honor of Ephraim Auerbach, by Herschel, Marl, Leonard, and Elana Auerbach
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A sign in the Yiddish Writers’ Garden, a garden located in the center of Yiddish books in the city, an institution established in 1980 with the aim of preserving literature written in Yiddish Click for sign's details

On the current sign appear poets, writers and humorists:
Malka Lee (1904-1976), was born in Monastyryska, Ukraine. The pen name of Malka Leopold-Rappaport, a poet, storyteller and journalist who lived in the United States from the age of 18.
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Fishl Bimko (1890-1965), Yiddish writer
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David Apotheker (1855-1911), was born in Panevėžys, Lithuania. A poet, humorist and journalist who wrote in Yiddish and Hebrew. In 1888 he immigrated to the United States. He was known for his communist views.
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B. Kovner (1874-1974), born in Dynów, Poland. The pen name of Jacob Adler is a writer, poet and humorist who worked mainly in the United States to which he immigrated in 1892. He published humorous columns in many newspapers, especially in the Forward.
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Moyshe Nadir (1885-1943), was born in Naraiv, Ukraine. A writer and humorist who wrote in Yiddish. In 1898 he immigrated with his family to the United States. Has communist views that were expressed in his columns.
Please note that the years of his life are completely different from those that appear on the sign.
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Esther Shumiatcher- Hirschbein (1896-1985), was born in Gomel, Belarus. Poet and playwright. Her family immigrated to Canada in 1911, and then Esther moved to live in the United States.
She was married to playwright Peretz Hirschbein Click for sign's details
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Ephraim Auerbach (1892-1973), born in Bălți, Moldova. Yiddish poet, writer and translator. Immigrated to Israel in 1913, and two years later moved to the United States where he lived for more than 50 years, until he returned to Israel (1970)
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The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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