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Sign: London - Hampstead Gree

250 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, London NW3 2AE, UK

On the sign:
Hampstead Green
Hampstead Green is a small open space managed for nature conservation. It is a spring meadow which provides early food for insects as well as a stunning display for passers.

The area has been an open space for many hundreds of years and sits next to St. Stephen’s church, designed by Samuel Teulon and built in 1869.

There is a mix of native and cultivated Datffodils and Bluebells, plus Cowslips and Primroses. The site is left uncut until around June when the spring flowers have finished and then the grass is cut regularly throughout summer.

Although Bluebells, as the name suggests, are commonly blue there are also pink and white varieties which you can see on this site. Even though it was once a common British plant few uses are recorded apart from being used as a sticky juice that provided gum for book-binding and as a starch used in Elizabethan times to stiffen ruffles.

The mixture of trees on the site, which includes Oak, Sycamore and Poplar, provides good cover for birds, and bird boxes have been put up to encourage nesting. Large logs are left to provide a habitat for many creatures including the woodlouse, spiders and vanous beetles. Woodland wildflowers have also been planted where there is less light including Wood anemone and Ramsons creating another habitat for wildlife.
We hope you enjoy this smail but valuable site.

Parks and Open Spaces 020 7974 1693

Wildflower Meadow
To help increase the bio-diversity of Hampstead Green we will be implementing a new maintenance regime which will consist of 3 cuts per year.
Spring. This will remove the first flush of grass and produce a later flowering meadow that is shorter, more open and less prone to collapse.
Main Cut (August/September) One third to be left uncut in rotation to allow later flowering species to Seed.
Autumn. Leaving the grass short throughout Winter.

Volunteers from the Friends of Hampstead Green and BAGG (Belsize and Adelaide Green Gym) will continue to help support the maintenance of the Green.

If you have any queries, please contact the Sustainability & Green Space Teem at or on 020 7974 4444

May 2015
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The park was photographed on the day the sign was taken Click for a larger image

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