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Sign: Jerusalem - Heritage Sites in Israel - The Marienstift Children’s Hospital

Ha-Nevi’im St 29, Jerusalem, Israel

On the sign:
סמל המועצה לשימור אתרי מורשת בישראל
סמל האיגוד הישראלי לכירורגיית ילדים

בית החולים מריאנשטיפט

כאן בבניין זה בבית החולים לילדים מריאנשטיפט טופלו ילדי ארץ ישראל והארצות השכנות ללא הבדלי דת או לאום.
ד"ר מקס סנדרצקי, אציל גרמני, המייסד והמנהל הרפואי, הקדים את דורו בגישתו הרפואית והאנושית. היה אוהב אדם, אשר באמונתו חי ובאמונתו הלך לעולמו.

החברה הישראלית לכירורגייה ילדים
המועצה לשימור אתרים
שלט זה הוצב ב- ד’ בתמוז התשנ"ג
23 ביוני 1993

1872 - 1899

Here in this building of the Marienstift Children’s Hospital were treated the Children of the Holy Land and neighbouring countries irrespective of religion or nationality. Dr. Max Sandreczky, a German aristocrat, the founder and director, preceded his generation in his humanitarian and professional approach to the practice of surgery and medicine.
He was a lover of mankind who lived and died by his faith.

The Israeli Society of Pediatric surgery
The Council for Preservation of Historical Monuments
This sign placed on the date June 23nd 1993
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The sign shape is square but its head is designed according to the silhouette of the old building of the Gymnasia Herzliya, which serves as a logo of the Council for the Preservation of Heritage Sites in Israel

The building was photographed on the day the sign was taken Click for a larger image

The phrase "and died by his faith" that appears on the sign probably refers to the fact that Dr. Sandreczky committed suicide after contracting kidney disease, became depressed and feared that he would not be able to continue operating the hospital, and indeed after his death the hospital closed.

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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