Various signs
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Sign: Securing the road to Jerusalem - In memory of the 6th battalion of the Palmach-Harel

Yefe Nof St 27, Sho’eva, Israel

On the sign:
סמל הגדוד השישי

אבטחת הדרך לירושלים וממנה ("הפורמנים")
כסלו-אדר ב’ תש"ח
דצמבר 1947 - מארס 1948

"הליווי הצמוד" וליווי במשורינים לשיירות בדרך אל העיר
תפיסת משלטים לאבטחת השיירות, פשיטות על הכפרים המשמשים ריכוז לתוקפים: דיר איוב - יאלו - בית סוריק - בית נקופה - קסטל
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The memorial site was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

"The Foormans" was the name given to the convoys escorts. Their name comes from the name that was on the door of their headquarters in Room 16 at the Keren Hayesod building in the National Institutions building - Shimon Foorman (a person who did not exist). At the headquarters of the Foorman is a sign commemorating their action Click for sign's details.

The Fifth Battalion of the Palmach-Harel Brigade was also assigned the same task Click for sign's details

Translation of the text on the sign:
Emblem of the Sixth Regiment

Security of the road to and from Jerusalem ("The Foormans")
December 1947 - March 1948

"Close escort" and escort in armored vehicles to convoys on the way to the city
Seizure of post sfor the security of the convoys , raids on the villages used as concentration for the attackers: Dayr Ayyub - Yalo - Beit Surik - Beit Nekofa - Al-Qastal

The ultimate street signs, historical sites and house numbers

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