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Sign: Negba - A monument to an Egyptian tank against which they fought in the War of Independence

Negba, Israel
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On the sign:
הטנק שלפניך - "לוֹקוּסט" - ניתן כשי לילדי נגבה ע"י צה"ל.

הוריהם עמדו בגבורה מול הצבא המצרי בתש"ח, פגעו בטנקים אחדים ב"פיאט" (רובה נ.ט.) ולקחו שלל, טנק מצרי, שהועבר לשימושו של צה"ל.

בוצע ע"י משרד הביטחון
היחידה להנצחת החייל במסגרת ארועי השישים למדינת ישראל
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The tank and the monument next to it were photographed by the same photographer that day Click for a larger image

The tank is a M22 Locust tank, a tank made in the United States and sold to the Egyptian army after World War II. The tanks were sold with disabled cannons, so most of their weapons were machine guns.

Translation of the text on the sign:
The tank in front of you - "Locust" - was given as a gift to the children of Negev by the IDF.

Their parents bravely stood up to the Egyptian army in 1948, hit several tanks in a "Fiat" (anti-tank rifle) and took loot, an Egyptian tank, which was transferred to the IDF for use.

Performed by the Ministry of Defense
The unit for commemorating the soldier as part of the events of the sixtieth anniversary of the State of Israel

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