One of the Story Gardens in Holon, gardens designed according to childrens books.
The garden with sculptures depicting the story was photographed that day
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 1
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 2
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 3
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Quote from the book 4
Click for a larger image
Click for a larger image Translation of the text on the sign:
Garden-story symbol
Holon city branding symbol - Holon Childrens City
Story Garden "There were two monkeys"
Writing: David Grossman
Painting: Ora Eitan
Artist and sculptor: Lilach Markman Pinkas
Sculpture and execution: The Hojesta team Ltd.
Landscape design: Archbishop Karni Gerstein
[Quote from book 1]
"On one of the paths of the safari lay a sharp nail,
Who knows how long he lay there until
That Gidis and Dads car was driving on him.
They heard such a voice: "Psss",
And the car sank to one side and stopped. "
[Quote from book 2]
"The royal, white dinosaur, has quarreled
With his great tail, and the tail flew
Suddenly to the sky and became the moon ...
Oh, long nights was the giant dinosaur
A howl to heaven begging for his tail
to forgive him and come back to him ... "
[Quote from Book 3 - Missing Plate]
[Quote from book 4]
"And if you hurry and get up quickly after the monkey,
You can also climb there,
To that tree branch, and then you see really well the
Dad, albeit a little smaller but definitely Dad. "