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Sign: Latrun - a monument to the 14th Brigade

שביל ישראל

On the sign:
סמל חטיבה 14

אנדרטה זו, המנציחה את סיפורה של חטיבה 14, (חטיבת המחץ) ואת נופליה נחנכה בשנת 2018, שנת השישים להקמתה.

חטיבת השריון ,14 מעמודי התווך של חיל השריון וצה"ל, היתה חטיבה סדירה במשך שנים רבות והפעילה את מיטב הטנקים של צה"ל בקרבות היסטוריים ב"מלחמת ששת הימים", ב"מלחמת ההתשה" בקרבות הבלימה הקשים ובחצית התעלה ב"מלחמת יום הכיפורים" וב"מלחמת לבנון הראשונה"
לאחר פירוק החטיבה הסדירה הוסבה החטיבה לחטיבת מילואים הממשיכה לשמר את מורשת החטיבה כמו גם שמות יחידותיה עד היום.

אנדרטה זו הוקמה ביוזמת מפקדי החטיבה בעבר ובהווה ובסיוע משרד הביטחון, עמותת "יד לשריון בלטרון", ותיקי החטיבה ומוקיריה
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The monument was photographed that day by the same photographer Click for a larger image

The monument consists of a caterpillar of a tank and a pillar with a space in the shape of a symbol of the brigade (bison). Stone slabs are placed along the tank caterpillar and landmarks in the history of the division appear on them (the plates were taken that day by the same photographer).

Here we are
The 14th Brigade was established in September 1958 on the basis of the 6th Infantry Brigade.
At the end of 1959, the brigade was subordinated to the Armored Forces Headquarters and converted into a mechanized brigade.
In 1965 it became a semi-regular brigade and included the 52nd Regular Armored Battalion with Sherman 51-M and 13-AMX tanks, the armored recruiting base and the Mechanized infantry reserves battalions 588th and 83rd .
The brigade’s tank companies participated in a "war on water" - against the diversion of Jordanian sources.
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Victory is ours
During the Six Day War, the brigade, under the command of Colonel Mordechai Tzipori, reinforced in the 63rd and 226th Armored Battalions, formed the tank force of the Ariel Sharon Division.
[On] June 5, 1967, the brigade broke into Sinai and broke through the Um Katf complex and held it.
In a classic armored battle, the brigade occupied the outposts located in front of the Um Katef compound and the traffic arteries that bypassed it, assisted in the conquest of the compound and overcame the anti-tank defender, who was at the rear.
Later, the brigade advanced as far as the Nahel and destroyed retreating enemy armored forces.
After four days of fighting, brigade forces reached the banks of the Suez Canal.
The brigade has 22 casualties in the war.
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Defenders of the South
After the Six Day War, the brigade became a regular armored brigade, consisting of the 52nd Battalion, the 184th Battalion, the 9th Battalion, and a patrol company.
The division operated state-of-the-art tanks from the "Magach" type - Patton M48A3.
The brigade operated as part of the 252nd Division, trained and held the contact line in Sinai - the "Bar Lev Line", in exchange with other armored divisions.
The brigade participated in the attrition war 1970 - 1968. The brigade has 33 casualties in the war.
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Beating and not stopping
In October 1973 the brigade’s battalions were deployed along the Suez Canal. 9th Battalion in the northern sector under the command of the 275th Infantry Regiment. 184th Battalions in the central sector and 52nd in the southern sector under the command of the brigade under the command of Col. Amnon Reshef.
The surprise of the Yom Kippur War found the brigade units fighting fiercely, alone, for long hours, in front of superior Egyptian forces, until the arrival of the reinforcement units.
The brigade was added to the 143rd Division under the command of Arik Sharon, participated in the containment battles, and in Operation Knights of the Heart to break into the Suez Canal and occupy the "Chinese Farm", crossing the canal and fighting in the West Bank inside Egypt.
The brigade has 190 casualties in the war.
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As cedars in Lebanon
In Operation Peace of the Galilee during the First Lebanon War, the brigade, under the command of Colonel David Shoval and composed of 184th and 79th Battalions and infantry battalions from the 1st Battalion, broke into Lebanon and fought in the eastern sector against terrorist forces and the Syrian army.
The brigade has 5 casualties in the war.
After that, the brigade remained in Lebanon, holding the line on the eastern front under the command of the 252nd Division and establishing another regular armored battalion - 78th.
On April 24, 1985, the brigade withdrew from the Lebanon Valley area to the Purple Line, as part of the IDF’s withdrawal from Lebanon.
After integration into the activities of the security zone, the regular brigade was disbanded.
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Like the phoenix
Since the division’s dissolution, the division’s veterans have made great efforts to preserve its heritage.
In 1990 the 330th Division of the 252nd Division received the name of the 14th Division and thus the tradition was renewed and the glorious division re-established.
The brigade was composed of Paton M60 battalions and subordinated, again to the Southern Command.
In 2004, the brigade was disbanded again, after another struggle by the brigade’s commanders in the past, the 896th Brigade was renamed the 14th Brigade, later joined by the 271st Engineering Battalion.
In 2014, the brigade’s units were merged with the 278th Brigade.
In 2017, the division was converted to Merkava Mark 3 tanks.
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